Hi - May I ask what the difference is (at EES) between a Full Line sales rep and a Bariatric Sales rep? Does the Full Line carry just that - more product(s)? thank you.
Thanks for input. Final question(s): so why does the differentiation exist at all between having a Bariatric rep and a Full Line Rep? Is it b/c there are so many bariatric docs/customers, and specialization is needed in order to penetrate market more? Or, is there another reason - perhaps related to a "prestige difference" in reps? thank you again so much!
To begin with, there is no prestige being a rep at Ethicon in the device world since most view it as medical device with training wheels. As a full line rep who used to attend bariatric cases all the time, I can tell you that there is no difference. I personallywouldn't want to be a bariatric rep because it will limit your experience into other specialties when you want to move on.
I really appreciate the input. So would you start off with a different device company than Ethicon? What companies/products do you recommend I look into. Thanks so much!