Diff between Full Line rep and Bariatric Rep?


Hi - May I ask what the difference is (at EES) between a Full Line sales rep and a Bariatric Sales rep? Does the Full Line carry just that - more product(s)? thank you.

Bairatric reps sell a stapler to Bariatric Drs. Full lines do the same thing in addition to selling a million other things to a million other Dr.s.

Same pay basically

Thanks for input. Final question(s): so why does the differentiation exist at all between having a Bariatric rep and a Full Line Rep? Is it b/c there are so many bariatric docs/customers, and specialization is needed in order to penetrate market more? Or, is there another reason - perhaps related to a "prestige difference" in reps? thank you again so much!

Thanks for input. Final question(s): so why does the differentiation exist at all between having a Bariatric rep and a Full Line Rep? Is it b/c there are so many bariatric docs/customers, and specialization is needed in order to penetrate market more? Or, is there another reason - perhaps related to a "prestige difference" in reps? thank you again so much!

To begin with, there is no prestige being a rep at Ethicon in the device world since most view it as medical device with training wheels. As a full line rep who used to attend bariatric cases all the time, I can tell you that there is no difference. I personallywouldn't want to be a bariatric rep because it will limit your experience into other specialties when you want to move on.

To begin with, there is no prestige being a rep at Ethicon in the device world since most view it as medical device with training wheels. As a full line rep who used to attend bariatric cases all the time, I can tell you that there is no difference. I personallywouldn't want to be a bariatric rep because it will limit your experience into other specialties when you want to move on.

I really appreciate the input. So would you start off with a different device company than Ethicon? What companies/products do you recommend I look into. Thanks so much!

I really appreciate the input. So would you start off with a different device company than Ethicon? What companies/products do you recommend I look into. Thanks so much!

C'mon man, you're honestly going to use CafePharma as a determinant for your career choice? You do realize that 99% of the posts on these forums are just a bunch of sh@t talkers? That's the funny part of this forum, it is anonymous so anyone can post anything.

Here's the thing, say someone posts that you should look at Covidien, Intuitive, or Stryker(or any other company for that matter) Guess what? You go to their forums on this website and the sh@t that is said on the Ethicon site about pay, contracts, selling, sales environment is the exact same sh#t that is said on the Covidien, Intuitive, or Stryker sites (or any site on this website for that matter).

Here is what you need to know about medical sales, it is stressful and you never will make enough money. If you have a really good year working for a company, they'll jack your base up the following year and screw you.

Do yourself a favor, track down reps and talk to them in person. Don't rely on CafePharma as a source of reliable information.

Post #7 is the best post I have ever read in cafe pharma..in addition 70% of the posts on here are from bitter people who have either already been fired or are currently on a performance management plan. You could say the sky is blue and there would be no shortage of idiots who would disagree with you on here.
I love my job and am very happy

I love the fact that my BAR doesn't think her shit stinks and never fails to tell me how much I need her. As if. She can't be bothered to deal with the little people such as me but ironically, I'm the only one the doctors and staff turn to whenever they need help or devices. I think the change from a BAM to a BAR says it all. You're just like the rest of us.