Didn't like what I saw last night

herbie hancock

Obama joking around, members of congress sitting side by side singing and circle jerking each other. I don't condone violence but Washington should be much more polarized than it currently is. I feel right now that is the problem. Each side goes on TV claiming that the other is a socialist or a war monger wall street hack. They then sneek back to the secret tree house where they all laugh about how rich they have all gotten on americans backs and how they just love screwing us over. I think most all attended the same elite universities, were in the same frats/sororities and ran in the same circles. They have known eachother for years. There is a serious idealistic division with america and one is right one is wrong there is no room for compromise.

u seriously believe that shit? the only reason 4 the 'polarization' is to polarize people like u that get sucked into it

Yes I seriously believe that. If you don't I feel sorry for you. If you don't see a drastic difference between what pelosi, frank, odummy, reid want to do vs. what ryan, boehner, bachmann want to do I feel even worse for you. After quadrupling the debt in two years obama last night said he wants to keep spending $$$$. Sure he wants to freeze spending but he wants to freeze it at current levels which brought our debt to 14 trillion. Please explain how that makes sense. Although I don't expect much from you as far as actually discussing issues. You come in with these witty one liners that looks like a 14 year old is translating it for you.

Yes I seriously believe that. If you don't I feel sorry for you. If you don't see a drastic difference between what pelosi, frank, odummy, reid want to do vs. what ryan, boehner, bachmann want to do I feel even worse for you. After quadrupling the debt in two years obama last night said he wants to keep spending $$$$. Sure he wants to freeze spending but he wants to freeze it at current levels which brought our debt to 14 trillion. Please explain how that makes sense. Although I don't expect much from you as far as actually discussing issues. You come in with these witty one liners that looks like a 14 year old is translating it for you.

The investing is what's keeping our sorry asses afloat. What do you think would have happened had we not bailed out Wall St. and stimulated Main St. following the greatest financial collapse since the Great Depression? Cities would have gapping holes in their budgets’ as tax revenues fell due to layoffs. Construction would come to a halt. To keep people employed the gov't had run deficits, as the private sector would not invest enough to bring the economy out of recession. Cutting spending in the midst of such a downturn would be the worse possible thing you could do, and in fact all these boneheads railing against Obama’s spending would do the same thing had they been in charge, they’re just playing politics. Obama inherited an incredible mess, and has done a great job when you consider that the DOW was at around 7,500 when he took over and as low as 6,000 shortly there after but hit 12,000 today.

wow obama couldn't have read it off a teleprompter better himself. tell you what you buy the spending argument and i'll choose to buy the truth.

Okay what would you had done, the days of the 'hit n run' strategy are gone. The repubs have power now and with that comes responsibility to present ideas. So I guess you would've just let the chip fall where they lay? How would you then prepare society for the impending soup lines, and homelessness?

Okay what would you had done, the days of the 'hit n run' strategy are gone. The repubs have power now and with that comes responsibility to present ideas. So I guess you would've just let the chip fall where they lay? How would you then prepare society for the impending soup lines, and homelessness?

Yes I would have let the chips fall where they may. However, for me to say that was the right move is my opinion and for you to say that what odummy/bush did was the right move is yours. Neither can be proven right, its not like you can PROVE that the bailouts have improved or stopped anything, things are definately not ideal at the moment. However, that wasn't really the basis for the thread. We are here and odummy wants to continue spending. I am saying loud and clear that is wrong. Control the debt and start cutting. While yes I want the healthcare bill repealed I would go with an overhaul. Realistically that is the best we can hope for now. Lift the drilling ban and get the heck out of everyones way. I liked what he said about making the tax structure simpler but I will believe it when I see it. Liberals have been dodging that for years, would absolutely love to see a flat tax for corp. and personal income with zero deductions and credits. Same goes for earmarks...but I don't buy him saying he won't sign a bill with them in there.

Yes I would have let the chips fall where they may. However, for me to say that was the right move is my opinion and for you to say that what odummy/bush did was the right move is yours. Neither can be proven right, its not like you can PROVE that the bailouts have improved or stopped anything, things are definately not ideal at the moment. However, that wasn't really the basis for the thread. We are here and odummy wants to continue spending. I am saying loud and clear that is wrong. Control the debt and start cutting. While yes I want the healthcare bill repealed I would go with an overhaul. Realistically that is the best we can hope for now. Lift the drilling ban and get the heck out of everyones way. I liked what he said about making the tax structure simpler but I will believe it when I see it. Liberals have been dodging that for years, would absolutely love to see a flat tax for corp. and personal income with zero deductions and credits. Same goes for earmarks...but I don't buy him saying he won't sign a bill with them in there.

Your original premise is ridiculous is wrong, DC has never been more polarized. And so is your claim that you can’t prove the bailout/stimulus didn’t work, you can look at the period from Sept 08 til the end of the year to see how things would had gone without intervention. I agree though that the tax code it way too complicated.

Your original premise is ridiculous is wrong, DC has never been more polarized. And so is your claim that you can’t prove the bailout/stimulus didn’t work, you can look at the period from Sept 08 til the end of the year to see how things would had gone without intervention. I agree though that the tax code it way too complicated.

Just because it has never been more polarized doesn't mean it can't get even more polarized. What's with all the handshaking, ass kissing, circle jerking going on between democrats and republicans. Again, there is a major division of thought going on and I don't want compromise or a middle ground. One side believes in personal responsibility and free market solutions. The other believes gov. can solve many of the problems we face today. As far as the stimulus working.....by Odummy's own benchmarks it was a failure. You can't prove that things hadn't bottomed out (at end of year or shortly after) just like I can't prove that if we had done nothing that things would be better now. One could argue that the way in which Obama handled the GM bailout that it really lessened the confidence in the private market. When you take care of the unions before the shareholders who is going to invest.

Obama joking around, members of congress sitting side by side singing and circle jerking each other. I don't condone violence but Washington should be much more polarized than it currently is. I feel right now that is the problem. Each side goes on TV claiming that the other is a socialist or a war monger wall street hack. They then sneek back to the secret tree house where they all laugh about how rich they have all gotten on americans backs and how they just love screwing us over. I think most all attended the same elite universities, were in the same frats/sororities and ran in the same circles. They have known eachother for years. There is a serious idealistic division with america and one is right one is wrong there is no room for compromise.

Fuck you, go back to your music.
