Not only did I stop buying stock, I also stopped making calls as well as going to work all together. Don't get me wrong, I still enter shit in the computer and fill out the mind-numbing spreadsheets, but the rest of the time I goof off. KK and PS have sucked all the motivation out of me, so now its time I get even. I order lunches for a few of my offices and they send me the receipt. I see my RD once a quarter and he doesn't know any better. I even won a roll play contest at the NSM and PS invited me to a breakfast to ask questions. Here's one big boy, "how the fuck could you hire that nimrod KK?"
I figure it'll be at least six months til my numbers turn and even then it'll be another six months til they get me on a PIP. Works like a charm. I just have to last long enough to make the Pres Club trip this year.
See you at the top!