Did you stop your ESPP Contributions?


i am considering whether or not to stop my contributions. As much as I hate to think we have reached our peak and it is downhill from here on out- that is the logical prediction. Perry, Kathy and the rest of this management team have not been successful in selling their vision and leadership.

i am considering whether or not to stop my contributions. As much as I hate to think we have reached our peak and it is downhill from here on out- that is the logical prediction. Perry, Kathy and the rest of this management team have not been successful in selling their vision and leadership.

If you do it you get discount when buying and can sell right away. Even with tax benefits from not holding it, you are still ahead.

If you have to have the money to invest and are more savvy than most. Then you can put that earmarked income yourself into stocks.

Depends on how much the money means to you and your family. Or how risk adverse you are.

other than the discount shire is dead wood.
I'd never invest serious money with a studdering goof like perry running things. There are assert classes that will go up 30% this year.
Buy Vulcan materials corporation and hold 4-8 yrs for the duration of the trump presidency.
You are welcome.

I didn't stop my contributions, but this will probably be the last year I participate.
What a horrible deal that they take payroll deductions all year, holding the money in a non-interest bearing account and wait a full 12 months to buy the stock!

Not only did I stop buying stock, I also stopped making calls as well as going to work all together. Don't get me wrong, I still enter shit in the computer and fill out the mind-numbing spreadsheets, but the rest of the time I goof off. KK and PS have sucked all the motivation out of me, so now its time I get even. I order lunches for a few of my offices and they send me the receipt. I see my RD once a quarter and he doesn't know any better. I even won a roll play contest at the NSM and PS invited me to a breakfast to ask questions. Here's one big boy, "how the fuck could you hire that nimrod KK?"

I figure it'll be at least six months til my numbers turn and even then it'll be another six months til they get me on a PIP. Works like a charm. I just have to last long enough to make the Pres Club trip this year.

See you at the top!