Did you know that PDI just gave out $2000 raises to reps on the Entresto contract? No??? Well that is because they only gave them to certain reps. In order to get the $2000 raise you had to be on the contract since the launch meeting. Ask someone in your District that was part of what is left of the original team. I found out because I was asked by someone in my district if I had received an email message about raises. I asked my RFC about it and after some posturing, she admitted that it was true and that the reps were strictly directed not to disclose that they had received the raises. PDI continues to build trust with the sales force! What a bunch of bull!!! Apparently the raises were given in an attempt to stop the mass exodus that has been taking place on this contract and because Novartis has not been happy with the turnover. It's great to know that the blow brothers, Frank and Cedric the Entertainer have finally shown that they value at least some of us. Do you two idiots really not understand why we are leaving in droves? Do you really believe it is about money? Do you know how little $2000 really is once taxes are taken out! As many vacancies as we have had, you could have given everyone of us a $5000 raise. If you really want to try to buy our loyalty then that would have been the best way to go! You two really are idiots! JUST LET US DO OUR JOB! The irony is that the rep in my District has no intention of staying. He is currently interviewing with Ashfield. Now that I know how valued I am I will be doing the same. What a shit hole of a place this has been.