Did Treudau tell tell Senator Macaskell committee the entire truth


Did you read todays Mallinckrodt Daily newsletter where Traedeu responds to the Macaskell inquiry. MNK states sales went down after the price increase but have rebounded to pre price increase 2014.
If that is what he said then some may call him an absolute liar. Maybe they misquoted but if not shame on him.
Is it possible vial sales are significantly lower to this day. Hmm maybe someone should request that data. If hospitals used less Ofirmev they may have either used more opioids, more nsaids or potentially nothing. Clearly MNK may have sacrificed patients. I dont think its a crime to raise prices to a ridiculous level but lets be honest about the impact. Lets also dispel the other lie that at the Cadence price point the company could not make money. Simply untrue. Wonder if anyone in mgmt was telling customers the cadence price was below the cost to make it. As in any start up Cadence lost millions but as sales increased breakeven was happening. Cadence would have been profitable for the 2014 year. Again, not against them raising the price to raise the profit to a more reasonable level but 146% overnight is a joke.
Did Trudeau raise the price to pay for his own insane raise (rhetorical of course)or to fund the new contract dept which has drained millions a year in added expense with no measurable return. In short, MNK may have increased the price a considerable level to fund the purchase of Cadence and or to attempt to fund future strategies. That is their right but be honest about it.

Now i am sure if that Contract dept signs a contract with a big GPO AND offers those members a discount that Trudeau and mgmt will make sure to tell those hospitals and Senator Macaskell straight away.

Forget Ofirmev! That product is dead! Contracting can't get one friggin contract signed!! It's a joke!! If you haven't seen the writing on the wall then open your eyes! They don't even speak about Ofirmev on their quarterly calls with Wall Street. No one cares!!!

Forget Ofirmev! That product is dead! Contracting can't get one friggin contract signed!! It's a joke!! If you haven't seen the writing on the wall then open your eyes! They don't even speak about Ofirmev on their quarterly calls with Wall Street. No one cares!!!

Can anyone tell me if there is any of their companies that these people bought and didn't screw up!!! Acthar is only about 75% to goal.. the home office staff are idiots!! I hate that as. A sales person I have to stand here and take the blame for