"Did I just join big pharma?"


This question was posed on a PowerPoint at the NSM in July. It was pretty much a given that if you have to frame it like that from the get-go, it answers the question affirmatively. But let's look at some evidence that would prove it.

* 3 email reminders & 1 text within 24 hrs that a webex conference call has been cancelled. People, when we complain about lack of communication, this is not what we mean. Get a hold of yourselves.

* Emails to the entire sales force from a manager asking the sales force to welcome a new hire to their team along with all of their past accomplishments. First of all, it doesn't matter on past accomplishments. The reset button is pushed every time you take a new job. Go convert a Bromday account in your first week if you want to impress me. The only reason someone's past success should matter is communicating to the hiring manager what that will bring to B+L. Hey manager, it's your job to hire qualified people. We get it, and trust you're not hiring a street panhandler. Who care if they won the Nobel Peace prize. They'll still be put on a plan if they don't perform. Secondly, I would encourage the entire sales force to hit "reply to all" on these emails to welcome the next new hire that will likely not be in your district or area. I would love to see my email flooded with over 200 welcome response emails knowing that every other OSR also had 200+ emails in their inbox. That might put a stop to this madness.

* Changing to share of voice for Bromday. Pods anyone?

This is just what I've observed within the past 7 days. Feel free to contribute more examples.

For the record, I don't care if B+L is big pharma or not. But, I do have a problem with B+L leadership telling us we're not when the evidence is so overwhelming. Just confirms that they think we're stupid.

the management comes from big pharma, acts like big pharma, does nothing like big pharma. Yeah it's big pharma. One problem. The products are small boutique pharma.

B&L is a contact lens company, OTC company with big pharma management mindset and big pharma budget to spend on all the loser aspects of working for big pharma without the big pharma dollars rolling in on the RX side.

Rx branded robs the other divisions and is a blight on the company.