Did I hear correctly?


did i hear on the conference call that who stays and who goes will be based on geography, ratings for 3 years, learning abililty, tenure and then the dude said there would be a selection process where managers would have a say in who is kept and who goes?

did i hear on the conference call that who stays and who goes will be based on geography, ratings for 3 years, learning abililty, tenure and then the dude said there would be a selection process where managers would have a say in who is kept and who goes?

You have to interview with the two Bobs

did i hear on the conference call that who stays and who goes will be based on geography, ratings for 3 years, learning abililty, tenure and then the dude said there would be a selection process where managers would have a say in who is kept and who goes?

managers will have no say they are scrounging for their jobs
It said on the website said that managers and MD's have no say

managers will have no say they are scrounging for their jobs
It said on the website said that managers and MD's have no say

They say that to hopefully limit lawsuits about discrimination but the truth is that managers and MDs had the input and final decisions on your reviews and that is an important factor in deciding who stays and who goes. Tenure is very unimportant in this decision.

They say that to hopefully limit lawsuits about discrimination but the truth is that managers and MDs had the input and final decisions on your reviews and that is an important factor in deciding who stays and who goes. Tenure is very unimportant in this decision.

Bullshit, tenure is a important factor. They will let them go because they can probably get a younger person for half the price.

They say that to hopefully limit lawsuits about discrimination but the truth is that managers and MDs had the input and final decisions on your reviews and that is an important factor in deciding who stays and who goes. Tenure is very unimportant in this decision.

Sure your reviews are important but there are other things involved
If you look closely, performance reviews was 3rd on the list. DOn't they usually put the most important thing first. HMMM....

Buh Bye to all the executive sales reps. since (in my area) they can't get 3's. Hello to the people that never got leveled. Our management thinks they have the best values and behaviors.

They say that to hopefully limit lawsuits about discrimination but the truth is that managers and MDs had the input and final decisions on your reviews and that is an important factor in deciding who stays and who goes. Tenure is very unimportant in this decision.

Absolutely incorrect, good guess though. First of all, who are "They"? They say this, They say that. FLM's conduct YE Reviews as normal. Do you think that ZS associates reads every YE Review, line by line, to determine who stays/goes? "Ohhhh it says here in the Competent section, that Bill needs to work on his closing skills, lets put Bill on the cut list". It's your YE Rating that matters, and only YOU have say over what you get. If your sales were bottom 10%, do you think your manager's "say" could change the outcome?
Tenure is very unimportant? I wouldn't discount ANY of the criteria listed in the business rules as "unimportant".

IF you had a 3 rating on your last appraisal then you have the best chance, if you had a 1 you are history. A 2 rating is a big stakes gamble. Overall, if you aren't looking now and waiting for "a lucky break" you're dreaming. Don't forget, a manager may cut you loose and take your job....

I hate to say it but I was at another pharma company that used ZS Assoc. They give us a criteria list... But it's BS! They will cut the tenured people to save money and kept he least expensive people behind! Plus think about it, the people left behind have only 1 year until reclast goes generic! Lol