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Diary of an AZ pharma rep


Okay losers. Listen up. With all the talk of layoffs and feeling, let's just say, inadequate, I thought I'd put in my 2 cents and talk about a typical day for me. And I hope this is motivating.

First about me. I am a 37 year old male who has been with AZ for over 10 years. I am in the Oncology sales force and am a level 4 PSS. Okay now sit back and learn!

5 am Wake up and drink 2 glasses of water. Drive to gym.

5:30 am At the gym. I work out arms and back and finish off by doing 45 minutes of cardio boxing. I typically workout 6 days per week for 2 hours every morning. My body fat percentage ranges from 4-6 percent and my abs look ripped. I am the picture of a greek god.

7:30 am Back at home I eat a post workout meal. High protein whey shake.

8:00 am I finish showering and drive to Starbucks. By the way I am dressed like a million bucks. My suit is a custom made Zegna that is worth about $8500. I own 12 suits all custom or semicustom. I have a $200 silk tie and a $350 custom made Ascot Chang shirt with $600 ivory cuff links. My shoes are worth $1200 b y the way and are shined!

9 am first call with an Oncology office. I detail them on my product using clinical efficacy but also let my personality shine through.

10 am 2nd call of day.

12 pm I seldom do lunches. The way I see it, I do a lunch if a doctor has earned it. I have made bonus every year since I've been here, btw, and gone to COE twice.

2 pm Call with my DSM. Update on how things are going.

4 pm I call on my 6th office for the day. I only make 5-6 calls per day but they count and yes I do work a full day. By the way my base salary is $110,000 per year and I usually bonus in excess of $36,000 per year. That puts me in the top 1% of all income earners in the USA and top 1/4 of 1% of PSS at AZ. You get out of this job what you put in!

5:30 I always do a post day analysis so I can always get better. This has been a key to my success.

7 pm I relax with a movie.

9 pm I am ready to go out. I am divorced, and enjoy the company of hot females. I also own my house which is on 2 acres and is 5 bedrooms. No room mates. All by myself. I am wearing $600 jeans and a $300 shirt. Dress the part! And no I am not gonna drive my company car. I also have my own personal car which is an Audi S6, silver in color.

9:30 pm I pick up my date. She is 28 years old, natural blonde with green eyes.

11 pm She and I call it a night at my place. If you know what I mean ;0

Then you wake up from your dream.

Dude, no matter what, you've got some serious issues going on. In the remotest inkling that your story is true, the fact that you pursue it indicates the false values that you've built a life on. You're building on sand.

The likely truth is that you're living close to the opposite of this. You're stuck in a marriage with someone you hate, hate your job but you're stuck there too with no chance of coming close to matching it. You pretend to be upbeat when the DM comes along and pretend to like the doors slammed in your face all day.

You're a phony, whether your story is true or false. A waste of potential. My advice: Quit, tomorrow. Forget trying to gain a severance or land a new job while you're employed at AZ. No one will believe your phony story so you won't get another job from here and even if you did you'd be unhappy again in a couple months.

Join the Peace Corps., open a Dairy Queen, a pool chemicals store -- something. Just get out before the thing that makes you you dissolves entirely into a phoniness so deep that even you won't be able to recognize yourself. Don't give that to AZ in exchange for your paycheck, or you insult your Maker who put you here for a purpose!

Then you wake up from your dream.

Dude, no matter what, you've got some serious issues going on. In the remotest inkling that your story is true, the fact that you pursue it indicates the false values that you've built a life on. You're building on sand.

The likely truth is that you're living close to the opposite of this. You're stuck in a marriage with someone you hate, hate your job but you're stuck there too with no chance of coming close to matching it. You pretend to be upbeat when the DM comes along and pretend to like the doors slammed in your face all day.

You're a phony, whether your story is true or false. A waste of potential. My advice: Quit, tomorrow. Forget trying to gain a severance or land a new job while you're employed at AZ. No one will believe your phony story so you won't get another job from here and even if you did you'd be unhappy again in a couple months.

Join the Peace Corps., open a Dairy Queen, a pool chemicals store -- something. Just get out before the thing that makes you you dissolves entirely into a phoniness so deep that even you won't be able to recognize yourself. Don't give that to AZ in exchange for your paycheck, or you insult your Maker who put you here for a purpose!

Look who is talking. Dude OP is an Oncology rep and those dudes make that kinda buck. Just because you are a MCL rep doesn't mean you should not believe other reps, especially Onc, make more than you ever will. Now how about you quit you loser and take up being a homeless philosopher?

Mr. Double O Pharma rep you can't afford 20 $8500 dollar suits on $150,000 a year, and an Audi A6 and buy a house unless you have found a way to expense all of this. The second part of this fantasy is that you can make 5 or 6 calls a day on oncologists. You have to buy lunch because that is probably the only time you see a doctor. I know because I'm an oncology rep too and earn more than you do. I call bullshit on you but it was a funny, very narcissistic story. Your mother must be very proud to have a son with such high goals in life.

Mr. Double O Pharma rep you can't afford 20 $8500 dollar suits on $150,000 a year, and an Audi A6 and buy a house unless you have found a way to expense all of this. The second part of this fantasy is that you can make 5 or 6 calls a day on oncologists. You have to buy lunch because that is probably the only time you see a doctor. I know because I'm an oncology rep too and earn more than you do. I call bullshit on you but it was a funny, very narcissistic story. Your mother must be very proud to have a son with such high goals in life.

Okay listen to me num nuts. First of all you are NOT an Onc rep. If you were you would know that you are the only one at AZ that can truly see a doctor without a lunch and that is frowned upon by us. That is #1. #2 is OP said S6 not A6. #3 is you should learn basic English. I think you meant to say Can't as opposed to can. Oh and #4 you are a dickhead

He probably got big $$$ to go away when his higher-earning but more grounded wife divorced his narcissistic self. And his 401K balance is $24,000 after 10+ years cause he's spent all his earnings trying to impress.....poor soul.

Okay losers. Listen up. With all the talk of layoffs and feeling, let's just say, inadequate, I thought I'd put in my 2 cents and talk about a typical day for me. And I hope this is motivating.

First about me. I am a 37 year old male who has been with AZ for over 10 years. I am in the Oncology sales force and am a level 4 PSS. Okay now sit back and learn!

5 am Wake up and drink 2 glasses of water. Drive to gym.

5:30 am At the gym. I work out arms and back and finish off by doing 45 minutes of cardio boxing. I typically workout 6 days per week for 2 hours every morning. My body fat percentage ranges from 4-6 percent and my abs look ripped. I am the picture of a greek god.

7:30 am Back at home I eat a post workout meal. High protein whey shake.

8:00 am I finish showering and drive to Starbucks. By the way I am dressed like a million bucks. My suit is a custom made Zegna that is worth about $8500. I own 12 suits all custom or semicustom. I have a $200 silk tie and a $350 custom made Ascot Chang shirt with $600 ivory cuff links. My shoes are worth $1200 b y the way and are shined!

9 am first call with an Oncology office. I detail them on my product using clinical efficacy but also let my personality shine through.

10 am 2nd call of day.

12 pm I seldom do lunches. The way I see it, I do a lunch if a doctor has earned it. I have made bonus every year since I've been here, btw, and gone to COE twice.

2 pm Call with my DSM. Update on how things are going.

4 pm I call on my 6th office for the day. I only make 5-6 calls per day but they count and yes I do work a full day. By the way my base salary is $110,000 per year and I usually bonus in excess of $36,000 per year. That puts me in the top 1% of all income earners in the USA and top 1/4 of 1% of PSS at AZ. You get out of this job what you put in!

5:30 I always do a post day analysis so I can always get better. This has been a key to my success.

7 pm I relax with a movie.

9 pm I am ready to go out. I am divorced, and enjoy the company of hot females. I also own my house which is on 2 acres and is 5 bedrooms. No room mates. All by myself. I am wearing $600 jeans and a $300 shirt. Dress the part! And no I am not gonna drive my company car. I also have my own personal car which is an Audi S6, silver in color.

9:30 pm I pick up my date. She is 28 years old, natural blonde with green eyes.

11 pm She and I call it a night at my place. If you know what I mean ;0

Please people, its a joke! The guy wrote a funny, little, story to give us all a laugh! I enjoyed it. Some of you people take life way too seriously!

Okay listen to me num nuts. First of all you are NOT an Onc rep. If you were you would know that you are the only one at AZ that can truly see a doctor without a lunch and that is frowned upon by us. That is #1. #2 is OP said S6 not A6. #3 is you should learn basic English. I think you meant to say Can't as opposed to can. Oh and #4 you are a dickhead

Huh? There are some real idiots on the site.

Okay losers. Listen up. With all the talk of layoffs and feeling, let's just say, inadequate, I thought I'd put in my 2 cents and talk about a typical day for me. And I hope this is motivating.

First about me. I am a 37 year old male who has been with AZ for over 10 years. I am in the Oncology sales force and am a level 4 PSS. Okay now sit back and learn!

5 am Wake up and drink 2 glasses of water. Drive to gym.

5:30 am At the gym. I work out arms and back and finish off by doing 45 minutes of cardio boxing. I typically workout 6 days per week for 2 hours every morning. My body fat percentage ranges from 4-6 percent and my abs look ripped. I am the picture of a greek god.

7:30 am Back at home I eat a post workout meal. High protein whey shake.

8:00 am I finish showering and drive to Starbucks. By the way I am dressed like a million bucks. My suit is a custom made Zegna that is worth about $8500. I own 12 suits all custom or semicustom. I have a $200 silk tie and a $350 custom made Ascot Chang shirt with $600 ivory cuff links. My shoes are worth $1200 b y the way and are shined!

9 am first call with an Oncology office. I detail them on my product using clinical efficacy but also let my personality shine through.

10 am 2nd call of day.

12 pm I seldom do lunches. The way I see it, I do a lunch if a doctor has earned it. I have made bonus every year since I've been here, btw, and gone to COE twice.

2 pm Call with my DSM. Update on how things are going.

4 pm I call on my 6th office for the day. I only make 5-6 calls per day but they count and yes I do work a full day. By the way my base salary is $110,000 per year and I usually bonus in excess of $36,000 per year. That puts me in the top 1% of all income earners in the USA and top 1/4 of 1% of PSS at AZ. You get out of this job what you put in!

5:30 I always do a post day analysis so I can always get better. This has been a key to my success.

7 pm I relax with a movie.

9 pm I am ready to go out. I am divorced, and enjoy the company of hot females. I also own my house which is on 2 acres and is 5 bedrooms. No room mates. All by myself. I am wearing $600 jeans and a $300 shirt. Dress the part! And no I am not gonna drive my company car. I also have my own personal car which is an Audi S6, silver in color.

9:30 pm I pick up my date. She is 28 years old, natural blonde with green eyes.

11 pm She and I call it a night at my place. If you know what I mean ;0

Nice dreaming!

- Your income, as stated is no where close to being top 1%

Secondly, you have a do nothing job, if I were you id save some of that money instead of buying (supposedly) $8500 dollar suits. You see, even a greek god, such as yourself, is accumulating zero usable skills as a pharma rep. When you join the other 80,000 unemployed reps, you will wish you had some of that money back.

Nice dreaming!

- Your income, as stated is no where close to being top 1%

Secondly, you have a do nothing job, if I were you id save some of that money instead of buying (supposedly) $8500 dollar suits. You see, even a greek god, such as yourself, is accumulating zero usable skills as a pharma rep. When you join the other 80,000 unemployed reps, you will wish you had some of that money back.

OP stated 1% of ALL PSS. How many PSS at AZ make a base in excess of 110K per year? Idiot = you

"made bonus every year since I've been here, btw, and gone to COE twice" and you are an oncology rep.

Mmmmmmm... managment should't have a difficult time identifying you.

Seriously people! The OP is just a joke. It obviously for many reasons isn't true. He's probably laughing at all you dumb-asses who are firing back serious, pissed off replies. God. Lighten up...

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