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Diabets realignment coming year end

Insider 1 777 Scudders Mill

Storm clouds on horizon for diabetes team. Dapa not this year if ever, Amylin bid rejected and BMS not willing to go much higher if any.

There will be a major realignment of diabetes team in December this year. Over 30% of TBM, DBM positions eliminated. Only question not settled is should CV be lumped into the deal. Most likely not because will be in the middle of Eliquis launch.

If you're in diabetes, you should be interviewing while employed, don't wait until you are on the street.


Im the candidate btw. This post wreaks of misinformation but it is alarming nonetheless.

777 has a pretty good track record of calling them right....although I think the bids for Amylin come out of Park Ave, not 777, so I bet the string of pearls may still get the big one strung.

The cockroaches do seem to be scurrying from the light in the HO, though, even before the FDA is clear about dapa. Doesnt bode well.

pradaxa is doing terrible. good bi reps expecting layoff shortly. are anyone of you concerned that apixaban would be as great as promised? i have been with bms for four years and love the company.

pradaxa is doing terrible. good bi reps expecting layoff shortly. are anyone of you concerned that apixaban would be as great as promised? i have been with bms for four years and love the company.

You have not been around long enough to really see what the CIA has meant to product launches.

You better hope that there is not someone with the skills of Don Maglione setting the plans for the launch of Eliquis. Another launch like Onglyza with the subsequent scramble for market penetration as a me-too drug AND the threat of a 30% bottom performer cut in CV...let's see if you are loving BMS as much in 8 months.

You have not been around long enough to really see what the CIA has meant to product launches.

You better hope that there is not someone with the skills of Don Maglione setting the plans for the launch of Eliquis. Another launch like Onglyza with the subsequent scramble for market penetration as a me-too drug AND the threat of a 30% bottom performer cut in CV...let's see if you are loving BMS as much in 8 months.
You mean John Maglione. Don was his brother. He supervised the Metaglip and Pravagard Pak launches.......

With the delay, perhaps never approved dapa and the poorly performing Ong/K group how could it be anything else
Apixiban well....it isn't approved until it is....and will start with many questions , as will dapa

With limited access, MC control and restricted robotic messaging CSO is the way to go...most companies should axe their expensive "sales" forces and go all CSO...they can recite a scripted message, deliver lunch and samples and fake calls with the best pro rep LOLOL