Diabetes training

Re: Diabetes training and new hire benefits

I think home study begins march 9 and is for about 2 and 1/2 week then to Indy but dont know dates or how long. I am curious about benefits as a fixed duration new hire. Are they the same for contract as perm employees? And I am sure I'll get bashed for asking this question, but what type of car does lilly provide? Yes, of course I'll be happy with any car, I'm just curious.

For what it's worth I was told during the telephone and F2F interview that benefits are exactly the same for FDE and regular. You can even begin accruing years of service toward retirement (401k). Don't know about type of car.

benefits are the same EXCEPT no pension.
home training to begin march 23 with laptop arriving a few days prior
indy training lasts 2 weeks and ends may 6th

all of the above HR told to me at interview
i will be moving forward :)
hope this helps

The home study option on behalf of management is very wise indeed. You really don't want your virgin ears to be corrupted even before hitting the pavement. Good luck, I am so happy for you.