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Diabetes Sales Safe


Speaking with several directors this week, most the sales force layoffs will come from bio tech division. With the number of vacancies for DCS over riding projected headcount reduction, expect only 10-15 displacements this time around. Most will come from low volume territories. All managers are also safe as no districts will be dissolved.


Speaking with several directors this week, most the sales force layoffs will come from bio tech division. With the number of vacancies for DCS over riding projected headcount reduction, expect only 10-15 displacements this time around. Most will come from low volume territories. All managers are also safe as no districts will be dissolved.

Not true. Most layoffs will be in diabetes including DE's. Hiring freeze was implemented first in diabetes and hiring has continued in BIOPHARM including an additional VP of sales.

Not true. Most layoffs will be in diabetes including DE's. Hiring freeze was implemented first in diabetes and hiring has continued in BIOPHARM including an additional VP of sales.

Diabetes Sales will remain safe with many vacancies to cover any displacements. DE's are NOT sales, they are medical.

Interesting. So I was talking to a vp (of Wells Fargo, who lives next store to a rep from Lilly whose cousin is married to Jackie Scanlon's brother) and he said that he heard from an admin that used to work for Jesper, who has been moved to Jacab's assistant's office that a rep from every team will be let go. The source was so close so it must be true... I wonder which one on my team it will be. I will spend the next month worrying about that instead of doing my job!

Grow up people and act like adults! No one knows anything and those that do are not coming on Cafe Pharma to announce it. Relax! It's stressful for everyone but there is nothing we can do about it. Don't bash your co worker, just do your job! I wish everyone the best of luck as I have been through this 4 times. It sucks!

Grow up people and act like adults! No one knows anything and those that do are not coming on Cafe Pharma to announce it. Relax! It's stressful for everyone but there is nothing we can do about it. Don't bash your co worker, just do your job! I wish everyone the best of luck as I have been through this 4 times. It sucks!

I too have been through and survived multiple rounds layoffs at another large multi-national corporation. I completely agree, it definitely sucks!

When the layoff finally does happen, the shock and disbelief by those who survived is palpable. If you survive the layoff, when you hear who was fired, you will not be able to figure out why those particular persons were selected to be let go. It always appears to have has no rhyme or reason to it. Only management and HR will know the reason(s) why any particular employee was selected, and they most certainly wont share that knowledge with the remaining employees.

While it's much easier said then done, the only thing any employee waiting to hear can do is their job. Some deliberately choose to "slow down or coast" while waiting to hear. If that's your choice, then the best advice I have to you is to not broadcast to your peers that you're doing it. (They'll probably see you doing it anyway, and they may be doing it themselves) Best of luck to all.

Speaking with several directors this week, most the sales force layoffs will come from bio tech division. With the number of vacancies for DCS over riding projected headcount reduction, expect only 10-15 displacements this time around. Most will come from low volume territories. All managers are also safe as no districts will be dissolved.
Come on, this doesn't even make any sense. There are 150 people in BP in total, including sales, AEs, and home office.

Compare that to Andy's team...

I really hope if you're in Diabetes sales, you've updated your resume and started looking. You just can't count on anything, so be prepared.

Interesting. So I was talking to a vp (of Wells Fargo, who lives next store to a rep from Lilly whose cousin is married to Jackie Scanlon's brother) and he said that he heard from an admin that used to work for Jesper, who has been moved to Jacab's assistant's office that a rep from every team will be let go. The source was so close so it must be true... I wonder which one on my team it will be. I will spend the next month worrying about that instead of doing my job!

Grow up people and act like adults! No one knows anything and those that do are not coming on Cafe Pharma to announce it. Relax! It's stressful for everyone but there is nothing we can do about it. Don't bash your co worker, just do your job! I wish everyone the best of luck as I have been through this 4 times. It sucks!

Recommendations will come from outside counsel as limit liability. IDCS will likely take open areas to Keeps jobs and use seniority approach.

Recommendations will come from outside counsel as limit liability. IDCS will likely take open areas to Keeps jobs and use seniority approach.

From most of these wishful and hopeful posts, I see that my colleagues do not read industry journals. With the presidential election and the recent expose' on our industry's over-reliance of large price increases on mature meds, there is tremendous pushback from the general public, policy wonks, and even our customers.

Our corpulent profits will start shrinking next year, you can bet that. You really think that they're going to keep swarms of DEs, DCS Senior AEs, IDCSs calling on customers that rarely see us? I've been through this before, and I can see what's coming in the next 12 months.