diabetes openings

Can I get some insight into the diabetes team, there is an opening In my area.

good division?
good company?


Eli Lilly's diabetes franchise has been dying a slow death for the last 6-7 years. They can't seem to develop any products of their own, so they keep co-marketing drugs with other companies, and then, ultimately, fucking up the co-marketing agreement. Good luck!

Can I get some insight into the diabetes team, there is an opening In my area.

good division?
good company?


Good pay, good division, bad company, yes there is vacation ya dope.

And, the real plus, if you read the recent article in the Wall Street Journal concerning the woman Lilly rep, you don't even have to sell!!!! Imaging that, a selling job where you don't have to sell. What's not to like about that?

If there's a diabetes opening.....there shouldn't be. Lilly is sooooooo overweight with diabetes reps that they could easily consolidate territories. If I were a diabetes rep, I would not rest on the laurels that this job will be around forever. Lets face it...we are dropping samples of a commodity (insulin) to offices. We don't really sell. And lets not forget Trajunkta. So getting back to the "diabetes opening".....take the job if you need it, but be cognizant that this gig may not last. A lot of big companies are laying off. Lilly is soon going to follow.