Diabetes Offers..Written or Verbal Only


Could anyone tell me how they are receiving the offers for the diabetes positions. I went on to the Regional Director and he discussed salary and car etc. but have not been contacted again since last week. Thanks for any information.

Could anyone tell me how they are receiving the offers for the diabetes positions. I went on to the Regional Director and he discussed salary and car etc. but have not been contacted again since last week. Thanks for any information.

You did not get the job. I was called 1 hour I finished and so were 2 others I know that interviewed. Those not getting offers are just forgotten. Sorry

To the OP: were you the only one interviewed by the RD? seems strange that you weren't contacted.... my impression was that only one person (the one they wanted to hire) would meet the RD...

I was contacted on Friday by the hiring manager who told me that I would be receiving a verbal offer on January 13th at the earliest. The start date for home study is February 6th and formal training starts on February 14th.

Hope that helps.