Device Jobs for Pharma Reps: RTBKPL


  • RTBKPL   Dec 18, 2011 at 01:28: PM
Rather sad to return to this site and read about FDA violations and failure to pay bills resulting in a law suit. A once great organization seems to be going into the crapper, something I never wanted to see.

That being said I would like to inform those of you ambitious enough to take a stab at other industries that there are device companies who DO HIRE ex pharma reps. I just completed my training with such a company and it was nice to be treated like an adult at a meeting. I have an upgraded company car at no expense to myself. I will be staying in MY OWN ROOM at meetings and most recently stayed in a SUITE with a kitchenette and other amenities not available at Novartis, even for the Executive Level Reps. My insurance and other perks are at least as good as Novartis' and at a lower price for health and dental. My starting salary is a bit less than my ending salary at Novartis but not by much. The upside is that bonus' have the potential to more than make up the difference. What I really like is that I am on my pod, it's up to me the way it was a quarter century ago when I started in Pharma. It didn't hurt that one of the managers in the hiring line knew me but I still had to interview 6 times and beat out the other applicants.

Look for smaller companies. Yes there are device companies who avoid pharma reps, probably because of experience with the 10 to 2 types, but there are those who are looking for reps with relationships and or skills necessary to interact with physicians.....remember....everyone who has landed their first device job landed their first device job without device experience. What they don't like is those who seem to change companies every year or two.

Good luck to you my friends and remember.....

Never let the bastards get you down.


Thank you. I was feeling a little hopeless today about the prospects of life outside of pharma. I have never been successful in a pod environment, and can't wait for a job where I can be on my own.

  • RTBKPL   Dec 18, 2011 at 07:29: PM
That would be great if anyone was hiring. Most device companies filter out pharma before the phone interviews.

I don't know if MOST device companies filter out pharma before the phone interviews or not. What I do know is that the best way to find a job is by networking. May I ask if you have applied to any device companies? How many? Smaller companies are your best bet.

Speaking with one of the other new hires it seems he found the position listed on "Simply Hired." He had been downsized and was without a job...perhaps that gave him more of an incentive but those of you still working have a bit less pressure on you. Don't give up the ship my friends and remember.....

Never let the bastards get you down.