Desperate PS


Now instead of Ilumya being known as worst launch in history, you will be known as the NSD with highest resignation rate in history. Hear you saying “weeding out the weak” laughable little man bs. Wake up pal. You don’t know biologics, you are a tool, you are a tyrant and making females uncomfortable are the reasons. People will work hard but they can’t be loyal to a prick. Females: don’t ride with PS. You can’t be forced. If you get pushback get an attorney because they’ll slap you with a PIP. use.

It’s not getting any better. This is financial panic time so blame is going to continue to be placed everywhere instead of where it needs to be.
Alot of districts don’t have FRMs, MSLs, or case managers as we are suppose to tell customers. Massive turnover, massive bullshit, massive f-ups since day one and putting a band aid on a massive wound isn’t going to fix it. My customers have had it. If my RSM tells me to start calling in favors to have docs write Ilumya I’m going to lose my shit. Sorry but I don’t sell my soul for a script especially one that takes weeks to get. I’m the one in the offices not you.

There are just 1-2 PS naysayers taking up the topic here. I say get over it or move on.

Not impressed by either. If you believe PS has just 1-2 naysayers you need a big wake up call. He is despised by former and current teams.
The reality is a lot of people have or are moving on. Leadership is a big part in those decisions.