It's very sad to see what has happened here. The "baby was thrown out with the bath water" as the entire Managemnt team was replaced. While some changes were 100% needed Shire has decided to do a complete 180 and has turned this place into total pharma. Today's comp plan roll out confirms it.
The new leadership group has zero interest in learning from those of us that have been successful, have spent zero time in the field, and have an unreal arrogance that says "we can figure it out alone". Really? How's that working out for you so far?
The general of the no talent ass-hats in leadership is the head of "global effectiveness". How does the former head of training now run the company? As far as I know he sits in his office all day worshipping his Steve Jobs idol and posting leadership articles on his LinkedIn profile. Remeber, if you have to tell everyone what a wonderful leader you are, chances are you stink at it!