I don't think I have ever seen this much turnover and unhappy reps in one region in all my years in small molecule biotech sales. I wonder why???
They are fleeing the RBD from hell. If your were harassed, ridiculed and spat on you would pack up and leave too. He is another Hecklady project gone bad - they are starting to add up.
You have to understand that they are being hired and coached to turn people over. This is coming from the top. Move high salaries out and replace with lower salaried less skilled people who will not think but can spin and iPad on one finger. The days of treating people fair and professional are over. J&J is only concerned about padding the wallets of the stockholders and heirs. This company has done a great job making America and the world think they are a great family company. What a sham this organization is. Its like a Hollywood prop - looks good on the outside but when you walk through the door the inside is empty.
BH is a complete nut! Can you say BLOWHARD. He is an egomaniac, his military tactic blow hardness drives his reps hate him and I was glad to quit when i did. Field days with this moron were detested! Aint that right "Bobby" If you only knew how much your reps hate you! I feel sorry for your family having to listen to your crap day in and day out. The best day of my life is when I called you and told you I quit. Believe me people, there is life away from Bobby H
BH is a complete nut! Can you say BLOWHARD. He is an egomaniac, his military tactic blow hardness drives his reps hate him and I was glad to quit when i did. Field days with this moron were detested! Aint that right "Bobby" If you only knew how much your reps hate you! I feel sorry for your family having to listen to your crap day in and day out. The best day of my life is when I called you and told you I quit. Believe me people, there is life away from Bobby H
"If he only knew how much reps hats him"? If you quit and had any ethics you should have made a compliant about him so it could be dealt with formally. But you didn't. Instead you hide in your spider hole and post attacks on using this site. It is you who are the coward not BH. You have no honor and I know who you are!
Haaa. They unloaded that old blowhard guy from California. He thought he was better than everyone else. He is last in the nation. Old fart. Haaaaa. I'm rockin it.
No idea to what you are referring. The only super stud we have is east coast Jimmy.
There is no such thing as a super stud in Derm. Prove it.
Who would that be??? Seems all the cali guys were all good dudes.Haaa. They unloaded that old blowhard guy from California. He thought he was better than everyone else. He is last in the nation. Old fart. Haaaaa. I'm rockin it.
Uh, doubt he's going anywhere anytime soon.....Let's not lose site of the fact that the problem is with the RBD. He will soon leave and someone else will be left to clean up the mess he created.