DePuy Synthes Stoops to New Low


It's really hard to imagine that just a few years ago Synthes was considered one of the best run companies and places to work in all of healthcare. But the ego of J&J fooled them into way overpaying for the global leader in trauma. Unfortunately when one spend other people's money they tend not to be as diligent and that's when mistakes are more likely to be made. A modicum closer look would have revealed some of the dishonest and deceptive business practices perpetrated by Synthes over the years which have been well espoused on this website.

Like so many takeovers, J&J couldn't wait to infuse their people and business philosophies into the organization. Now some 7 years or so after the acquisition Synthes doesn't resemble in any way the once viral and unstoppable force that dominated its industry for over 25 years. Instead of focusing on the customer and the opportunities available to a highly tuned and talented sales behemoth, J&J focused inward to make "improvements" starting with their disdain for successful sales people making industry best pay.

Fast forward to today, the sales organization has been eviscerated and process oriented so-called leaders infused to take care of business the J&J way. As a consequence, the blending of DePuy and Synthes has created a soft, bureaucratic and PC culture. The intentional softening of the culture led to desirable turnover of perceived spoiled, overpaid, entitled misfits. The problem is once the tap is turned on, it's hard to turn off. Globus is more than happy to he the landing spot for the over-the-hill gang. After first describing these as desirable losses, panic is setting in.

Following the spirited lawsuit over Dan G heading over to head up Globus sales, scores of others have gone behind him saddled up to generous guarantees. Could it be the company that sucker punched Synthes in spine might just be capable of doing it in trauma? The actions of DePuy Synthes upper management suggests so. All one has to do is look at Ken C, the barbarian dim whit, who isn't qualified to lead a girls scouts cookie sales drive. He drank the J&J cool aid and managed to run off all those who he saw as a threat to his power grab. Now the backstabber in chief is spearheading a campaign in an attempt to catch lightening in a jug once again by fanning obscene guarantees at those who left for greener pastures. This disingenuous act is purely self-serving and those who chose to leave are well advised to stay away.

Yes, in just a few years, all J&J has managed to is destroy a championship caliber sales organization and succumb to the tactics of second rate companies: promoting incompetence, offering insane discounts, and now trying to woo back people who they were more than happy to see leave not very long ago, with shortsighted guarantees. These are not the actions of a market leader, rather, they represent a pathetic and desperate attempt of recapturing the glory of another time. What these fools don't realize is the odds are overwhelming against lightning striking the same place twice. Here's a prediction: Globus will be successful in taking share from DePuy Synthes because they have a long term perspective and will be relentless in their drive to harm the market leader. David Paul has become the Hansjorg Wyss of his time.

Amen to everything said. They destroyed a once great company. The hubris and incompetence will leave a mark for years to come. Fortunately most of the top talent got out before the ship totally capsized.

To your face KC says he has your back but behind your back he will throw you under the bus in a heartbeat if it benefits him or he senses you are not blindly loyal. His MO is to neutralize others he perceives might be a threat like a 3rd world dictator. He's the sole survivor of the Gennett mafia. It explains why he's throwing money at people to get them to come back. Rick only threw money at people to get them to stay. Maybe his end is near because even J&J knows people quit their boss (or their bosses boss). D-S is a complete shit show at the moment with no signs of getting better.

To your face KC says he has your back but behind your back he will throw you under the bus in a heartbeat if it benefits him or he senses you are not blindly loyal. His MO is to neutralize others he perceives might be a threat like a 3rd world dictator. He's the sole survivor of the Gennett mafia. It explains why he's throwing money at people to get them to come back. Rick only threw money at people to get them to stay. Maybe his end is near because even J&J knows people quit their boss (or their bosses boss). D-S is a complete shit show at the moment with no signs of getting better.

I am hungry, I am pissed, I have better product, and I have better relationships. And I am coming after you with a fury. And Winning. Yours truly, bitter ex-Synthes, New Globus employee.

It’s ironic. Technical knowledge and relationships used to be our strength. I now work for a female. She’s very nice but has no clue what we do which means she brings no value. She’s never been in an OR to my knowledge and has zero relationships and can’t talk shop with surgeons. J&J has no idea or apparent concern how their actions have weakened what was once our strength. The damage is already done and future sales will reflect it. Spine is a joke. Trauma isn’t far behind.

If it's true KC is now reaching out to former Synthes SCs waving large guarantees this tells me they've run out of ideas to grow the business/bottom line. Cut commission from 12.5% to 11.0% Didn't work. QASCs ? Don't get me started. Thoracic sales force ? Utter failure. Extremity sales force ? I think we're in the process of realizing this didn't work either. To be fair, cross-sell and co-sell have helped offset price erosion and customer erosion. Where are JJG's "innovative" ideas that actually work ? He doesn't have any. Let's not be so quick to blame KC, he just does what his boss tells him to do, just like the rest of us.

KC shares some of the blame. He did do what he was told but was more than happy to gut the company of legacy Synthes people he didn't like or trust. It just so happens most of them know more about the business and have far more and better surgeon relationships than him. All this did was precipitate the sales decline and unravel Synthes' influence over influential surgeons. Many of those docs are now consultants with Stryker, S&N and now Globus. Getting some of the old gang back will not undue their consulting agreements. Surgeons like reps have moved on. KC leads like a bar bouncer (he looks like one too) and now wants the very people he exited to come back and try to save the company from the free fall in which it currently finds itself.

OTA is next week. Should be a great opportunity for D-S to sign up some former employees to juicy guarantees. Meanwhile other companies will be there promoting products to their new customers which so happen to be former D-S customers. The bleeding won't stop until they learn to treat people better and even then it might be too late.

For me its too late already. I left and took most of my Docs with me. I'm not making quite what I was @ 12.5%, but the difference is insignificant. They would have to give me a 2 year guarantee @ 50% more than I'm making for me to even consider it. For me it's not all about the $, I'm more interested in less Corp. BS, which is what I have now. I'm sure there are many that prioritize the $ though.