DePuy Numbers at an "ALL TIME" Low!


Rumors are floating around about DePuy selling off... The revenue numbers are so bad, Depuy may sell off to a European company. JNJ missed the mark on this entity and admitted it!! Brush up your resumes, sales force!

Who cares, device is DEAD. J & J wise guys know this and exit strategy is only educated move that remains. Oh wait, how about a "repless" program like Wright or S & N? Please, time to get back to core values of dominating innovative healthcare sectors with acceptable product margins and sustainable profitability. Monkeys can be trained to open implant boxes and reset instrument trays, just look at Stryker's sales force.

Who cares, device is DEAD. J & J wise guys know this and exit strategy is only educated move that remains. Oh wait, how about a "repless" program like Wright or S & N? Please, time to get back to core values of dominating innovative healthcare sectors with acceptable product margins and sustainable profitability. Monkeys can be trained to open implant boxes and reset instrument trays, just look at Stryker's sales force.

Wow, you must simply be one of those guys that creates "busy work" and GAINS NO COMPETATIVE ACCOUNTS!! Please, go back to Pharma! Ortho isn't for you, box opener!

Your ride on the coatfeathers is over!

Au contraire, just stating the obvious. Nice spelling you monkey. Homer would roll over in his grave if he knew what SYK and this industry has become. Now go slam a Gamma in your Grandma and head to the gym in your scrubs, douche bag.

Agree with the above reply... Our Depuy name is ruined. Selling off may be the best situation for everyone.

Depuy is a total joke in the state of Florida

Stryker has taken any decent rep especially on the west coast of fla, the distr has gotten rid of any experienced rep making money and there are the winged monkeys from the wizard of oz running around making 50k and lost, and zero business on the east coast tumble weeds with depuy name on them blowing from Miami to Orlando wih no where to stop
guess depuy is keeping the sales school of aspen in business hiring their grads

what a joke this company has become