The most reasonable inference from the positions posted is:
1. The number of openings matches up well to what DEPO told investors.
2. Where there are no opening posted, it's most likely that DEPO already has all the manpower they need in those markets.
3. If there isn't a job posted where you work for Quintiles on the pain contract, odds are you're probably done. With luck, Quintiles will offer you a month's severance.
If you have not yet used your floating holiday/personal days, DO IT IMMEDIATELY. Those are not paid out on separation, where as accrued vacation is.
For those outraged at being lied to, well, grow up. This is the way things are done in a Modern American Corporation. If you don't want to treat people like things, don't go into management. It's a requirement to lie right through your teeth to people in the modern corporation today. They rationalize it as "just business," and they dream sweet dreams of cash in their bank. They suppress any notion that they're stringing real people along and hurting them.
Sometimes DM's are kept in the dark, but everyone above their level is an inveterate liar. If their lips are moving, they're lying.