Dendreon to announce number of PIPs at Q3 investor call


I can see it now, in between all the BS about academic versus community, number of patients treated by accounts, hanukkah, reimbursement, Mitch will try to gain support for Dendreon by announcing the number of people on PIPs. This is sure to arouse investor confidence.
Hey Judy Michele- how can you sleep at night?

I can see it now, in between all the BS about academic versus community, number of patients treated by accounts, hanukkah, reimbursement, Mitch will try to gain support for Dendreon by announcing the number of people on PIPs. This is sure to arouse investor confidence.
Hey Judy Michele- how can you sleep at night?

This is nothing new. Hans "I don't know shit but how do you like my accent" Bishop has been pushing PIPs from day 1. He's the master of blaming others and creating scapegoats for his failed ideas and marketing plans. With the expansion and influx of incompetent "Big Pharma" type A-holes it's only going to get worse!

The problem at Dendreon is not the Reps. If upper mgt would pay attention to what they were telling them they wouldn't be looking so pathetic now. PIPs are just a mgt "CYA" and this mgt is classic big pharma at "CYA".

Agree! Wouldn't you think a real leader would rise amongst the chaos? Not a hired leader not one with CEO or CFO or HR Director... Somebody who will stand up and say "you can't treat people this way"

Silence is agreement friends...turning a blind eye doesn't make it not real

The problem at Dendreon is not the Reps. If upper mgt would pay attention to what they were telling them they wouldn't be looking so pathetic now. PIPs are just a mgt "CYA" and this mgt is classic big pharma at "CYA".

Don't take a pip lying down. Call an attorney that will work on contingency. They are out there. You will lose your job, but you're going to lose it anyway, so at least get a strong settlement out the door. Don't been over for this bull.

Has anybody achieved the objectives of the pip and maintained their position? Or is the sole objective to suck every last ounce of your being out in that 30 days and then have somebody else enjoy your hard work

Has anybody achieved the objectives of the pip and maintained their position? Or is the sole objective to suck every last ounce of your being out in that 30 days and then have somebody else enjoy your hard work

PIPs are never meant to actually improve performance. They simply give one the official signal that it's time to look for another job. At DNDN it's actually a bit of an honor to be put on a PIP because the mgt that resorts to such BS is so insecure and incompetent that it means you must be pretty decent and intimidate them. DNDN knows they're treating people like crap or they wouldn't be giving "packages".