Dendreon Being Sued by Black People for Racist Treatment

We joke about it outside the office. Why not in? People need to be who they are. We can't just work together from 8-5 and not have contact outside the office.

So if these allegations are true, this is joking and Dumbdreon should not be held accountable?

"This discrimination suit alleges racial harassment, discrimination, retaliation and disparate treatment based on race. Among those allegations are that the plaintiffs LaShunda Banks, Jarrod S. White, Boyce E. Bush, Facia Beysolow, Calvin Richardson and Zalika Howard were treated less favorably than white and Hispanic employees, were denied training because of their race and therefore not promoted and were consistently subject to written and verbal harassment in the form of racial epithets, slurs and comments.That included but was not limited to jokes about fried chicken, one plaintiff being called an "angry black woman" and repeated use of the N-word."

So if these allegations are true, this is joking and Dumbdreon should not be held accountable?

"This discrimination suit alleges racial harassment, discrimination, retaliation and disparate treatment based on race. Among those allegations are that the plaintiffs LaShunda Banks, Jarrod S. White, Boyce E. Bush, Facia Beysolow, Calvin Richardson and Zalika Howard were treated less favorably than white and Hispanic employees, were denied training because of their race and therefore not promoted and were consistently subject to written and verbal harassment in the form of racial epithets, slurs and comments.That included but was not limited to jokes about fried chicken, one plaintiff being called an "angry black woman" and repeated use of the N-word."

We all know it's bullshit!

We all know it's bullshit!

Dumbdreon has done dumber things. This company employed a computer software condom seller psychopath who threw his dead mother under the bus. This company borrowed $640 million from the capital markets when it had a multi billion dollar market cap instead of doing a shelf just to keep the stock price falsely inflated for 10's of millions of sales by executives in 2011.

So if these allegations are true, this is joking and Dumbdreon should not be held accountable?

"This discrimination suit alleges racial harassment, discrimination, retaliation and disparate treatment based on race. Among those allegations are that the plaintiffs LaShunda Banks, Jarrod S. White, Boyce E. Bush, Facia Beysolow, Calvin Richardson and Zalika Howard were treated less favorably than white and Hispanic employees, were denied training because of their race and therefore not promoted and were consistently subject to written and verbal harassment in the form of racial epithets, slurs and comments.That included but was not limited to jokes about fried chicken, one plaintiff being called an "angry black woman" and repeated use of the N-word."