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DEI at Dentsply


DEI in any form needs to go away. Last I heard, the decision to hire or not hire someone based on race, sex, ethnicity, was illegal.
Go woke, go broke. Dentsply shouldn't bow down to the Investors that demand compliance with this shakedown.

Too late. Not having a DEI program for a public healthcare company in today's world is unnecessarily leaving yourself open to attack. Like leaving your car doors unlocked at the mall.

Too late. Not having a DEI program for a public healthcare company in today's world is unnecessarily leaving yourself open to attack. Like leaving your car doors unlocked at the mall.
Attack from whom?

And how is DS measuring the effectiveness of its DEI programs? Answer - it’s not being measured. People are getting paid and being held accountable for nothing. Giant waste of company resources, which is exactly why so many corporations are dumping their DEI departments.

It’s been going on for years. I trained a new hire and they were promoted to a manager within a year. Upper management openly admitted that person was promoted because of their gender. Myself, and +90% of the division has left. The division nose dived.

DS got woke …. And kicked off the S&P.

Good job!

No wonder wall street thinks our board is a bunch of clowns.

Either that or a complete lack of confidence in the BOD and no one ever being publicly prosecuted over what amounted to blatant fraud in reporting revenues leading up to merger / acquisition.

What about the Andreas Frank connection?
He was at danaher when danaher had to exit the dental business. So the wise C suite at DS hired him. Now DS is a dumpster fire. And Andreas is now the head of DEI .
It’s proof that people do fail up.