Which of these Honestly describes Pharmaceutical Details?
ac·cu·rate- adjective
(of information, measurements, statistics, etc.) correct in all details; exact.
synonyms: correct, precise, exact, right, error-free, perfect;
factual, fact-based, literal, faithful, true, truthful, true to life, authentic, realistic
truth·ful- adjective
(of a person or statement) telling or expressing the truth; honest."
synonyms: honest, sincere, trustworthy, genuine;
candid, frank, straight-shooting,open, forthright, straight, upfront, on the level, on the up and up "truthful behavior"
transitive verb- to lead in a wrong direction or into a mistaken action or belief often by deliberate deceit
intransitive verb- to lead astray : give a wrong impression
ac·cu·rate- adjective
(of information, measurements, statistics, etc.) correct in all details; exact.
synonyms: correct, precise, exact, right, error-free, perfect;
factual, fact-based, literal, faithful, true, truthful, true to life, authentic, realistic
truth·ful- adjective
(of a person or statement) telling or expressing the truth; honest."
synonyms: honest, sincere, trustworthy, genuine;
candid, frank, straight-shooting,open, forthright, straight, upfront, on the level, on the up and up "truthful behavior"
transitive verb- to lead in a wrong direction or into a mistaken action or belief often by deliberate deceit
intransitive verb- to lead astray : give a wrong impression