Defend IP


I was going to ask when you guys were going to go after someone. i got distracted, doing something else and then found out you have gone after someone... Good move too. Go after the weak. The sick and the old are always the easiest to take down. What happens now that WM has sold out? Settle, patents remain unchallenged?

The portfolio is impressive as ever. You need better capabilities with MRI though.
Need some witnesses for your suit against S&N? Want to prove that S&N willfully infringed? You need to get in touch with some former employees. Maybe some engineers from the Visionaire program. You might be amazed by what is out there. Although it has been out there for 5 years and I doubt you've found it yet.
s&n will give conformis something that amounts to a handjob by an old lady and no one in the market will care, and conformis will continue to bleed rectally as they justify the executive sales& marketing idiocy.