Wow - that is so awesome to read this comment!
From “Clueless Person” - You obviously have not been listening the earnings calls or the recent fireside chat. Senior leaders literally responded to questions about plans for the future after Xifaxan goes generic in 2029 (you know the drug that keeps this company afloat) with the statements like “we won’t see a launch for Rifaximin SSD until next century!” What this means is that in 5 short years there won’t be a need for ANY tower. Also - reps will be 5 years older and, pharma generally likes to hire them young and train them “their” way. I was just saying that everyone should be looking for new opportunities IF they need the income that this job provides them. If not, then definitely ride it out. That is my plan. That’s because I don’t “need” this job.
Would feel terrible if someone actually needed the income and passed on an opportunity because they chose to just listen to management and not actually do research (on the company, etc) for himself/herself.
Good luck to you.