Dec 5th


I think everyone in sales is getting a call. Big meeting in the home office for all employees to discuss company reorganization and changes coming this week. Cocktails tonight for sure

Many had seen this coming for several months. Lay offs today and more to come tomorrow. Finally, even if you miss this round today and or tomorrow, I am sure many additional home office staff will be gone either first or 2nd quarter. Thank you Francois and Thank you HR and Finance, Also thank you for Marketing for your over staffed over bloated budgets and Kool aid drinking that brought a once great Sales organization to this. So glad all of the VP crowd had such a great time on the booze cruise funded by the sales teams efforts. If they are letting go some good hard working field managers and reps my hope is that the incompetent Nationals, Directors and overstaffed Marketing and finance teams feel some pressure as well. Also, I should include training, Medical, MSL team and com ops. Maybe we could also use less of the VP crowd across the board in all departments.

What a clown show in DFW - congratulations and if you all wanted to tank the company you could not have done it better or more efficiently than you did in 2012 and 2013. Now Galderma ends up on the ash heap with the rest of the dieing and or dead derm companies. I for one never thought I would see the day. The ones that got our last year are the lucky ones ironically enough.

They are looking at everyone individually, This is an opportunity for the home office to settle scores and or re-engineer the sales team. We should have taken more notice when they pushed out some of the better sales management and talent last year. The replacement crew was not an improvement things have not improved at all, and to be direct the current management in the sales department had few accomplishments as reps and DMS until they reported to some of the people in sales that they pushed out. Tomorrow will not be pleasant for the people who lose their jobs right before the holidays, but don't think you dodged a bullet if you get to keep your job for the near term. This is a start of new trends and new realities as they clean up balance sheets messed up from FF and the Marketing teams to sell us to the highest bidder sometime in 2014. More of this will be coming in 2014 for the people who are still able to stay for a while.

Tomorrow is just a start for all of us.

God Bless.

Sorry to hear about your call tomorrow. Hopefully, the call works out better than expected. Sick of seeing sales reps. getting shit on because upper management is clueless. Go out with a bang.

There were 10 DSMs let go today! And 30% reduction in each sales force tomorrow! I never ever thought Galderma would come to this. I was once so proud to be a part of this company, now I don't even recognize it.

THis is a fucking shit show and I don't blame FF, he was a part of the big problem mentioned numerous times in multiple threads...too top heavy and much too high growth expectations. The company put its eggs in the Mirvaso basket and that was a huge flop.

I hope the phone rings in your favor tomorrow, but don't expect that to be the last one you have to sit through. You won't be keeping your job for long, this company is on the block and someone will swoop in and buy it. Then more layoffs...probably 2nd or 3rd qtr next year.

Good luck!

I agree with you. This is simply round 1 even for the people that dodge the first bullet. Hey wasn't that the mascot of FH's school. How ironic. Anyway, Next year sometime around Q1 or end of Q2 when we still wont be at the numbers. Then, round 2 will hit and probably a sale of the remaining products not necessarily the company then round 3 hits for more down sizing and a move for the DFW people to the acquiring company if they keep their jobs. Final thought, I am sure our friends in other Galderma affiliates around the world are thinking too bad for the US. They should realize that this will affect them as well. In addition, let me remind everyone that essentially the US group singularly financed the R & D for Galderma. Not that anything was consistently produced out of the group, but there will not a be a way to continue to fund even the existing products and projects in development so this will affect everyone world wide at Galderma not just next year but the future of this place is greatly affected and that will force a merger or a sale of the existing assets. The writing is now officially on the wall.

Good luck to us all.

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