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Deb - You are nothing but a BIG DISAPPOINTMENT


I couldn't agree more. To be the leader for ADU, she has proven to be completely incompetent. Poor decisions with no communication throughout her time here. I have never seen a leader to have not a single independent thought and do what is right for a change. She is a disgrace.

Deb was so adamant that there would be no clinical trial requirement so they didn't plan for it under her leadership. That is how arrogant these people are. The executive committee at this point should be clearing house starting with her. What an absolute waste. If you analyze how things have been run from the very beginning, it is clear the biggest problem was poor clueless leadership.

Deb was so adamant that there would be no clinical trial requirement so they didn't plan for it under her leadership. That is how arrogant these people are. The executive committee at this point should be clearing house starting with her. What an absolute waste. If you analyze how things have been run from the very beginning, it is clear the biggest problem was poor clueless leadership.

Agreed! The level of arrogance bordered on delusional. Well, maybe not even bordered.

Deb is just a puppet. Michel and Alisha are managing this launch. Having said that, she’s pretty much useless anyway.

Whether or not she made any stupid final decisions, I promise you that she was bought into plenty of them including not offering any discounts and the initial price of the drug. She was ADAMANT.

Deb is awesome. Well respected among peers. Grow up snowflake

If she’s well respected amongst her peers, it’s because they are equally as incompetent as she is. There’s a big difference between being a good analyst and a good leader. A good leader communicates effectively and doesn’t make false promises to their people - all Deb has done is come out every 90 days and say something wrong, it’s pathetic.

Options presented to ec. Ha. All the ec is working on is their individual golden parachute packages. They destroy a company and then stuff their pockets with a few million as they leave.