Death Spiral


If you are not in a panic yet about your job and the future of the company maybe you don't have a firm grasp on the situation! Here are a few obvious facts:

  1. The geniuses who mismanaged the approval process for 5461 and who who really pissed off the FDA have paid no price and some have been promoted.
  2. The FRMs try to teach our customers how to navigate a broken and dysfunctional fulfillment system instead of Alkermes trying to fix the fulfillment system.
  3. The company lobbied the federal government for additional dollars to address the opiate epidemic, but didn't insist that the rules for using these dollars gave Vivitrol a fair shake. As a result the additional federal dollars to treat addiction mostly helped to expand the use of buprenorphine and our relative market share is worse than before.
There is much more to be said about how we got to this ugly place and many more examples we could give. Suffice to say that we have to admit these huge errors, remove the people responsible, and make better decisions in the future. Even if we do all of this it may be too late for Alkermes, but its our only shot.

I just emailed your question to 2 good buds who've lived there all their lives. Should have an answer soon. The reason I asked them is that is a relatively new area developed since I lft but heard it was fun - they will probably know where to go. I'll get back atcha when I hear back.

If you are not in a panic yet about your job and the future of the company maybe you don't have a firm grasp on the situation! Here are a few obvious facts:

  1. The geniuses who mismanaged the approval process for 5461 and who who really pissed off the FDA have paid no price and some have been promoted.
  2. The FRMs try to teach our customers how to navigate a broken and dysfunctional fulfillment system instead of Alkermes trying to fix the fulfillment system.
  3. The company lobbied the federal government for additional dollars to address the opiate epidemic, but didn't insist that the rules for using these dollars gave Vivitrol a fair shake. As a result the additional federal dollars to treat addiction mostly helped to expand the use of buprenorphine and our relative market share is worse than before.
There is much more to be said about how we got to this ugly place and many more examples we could give. Suffice to say that we have to admit these huge errors, remove the people responsible, and make better decisions in the future. Even if we do all of this it may be too late for Alkermes, but its our only shot.

The FRMs bring no value to the company. They are WAY overpaid and not needed. Reallocate their money into better use. Anyone else notice that since they’ve been onboard stock price has dropped to its lowest in 6 years?????

The FRMs bring no value to the company. They are WAY overpaid and not needed. Reallocate their money into better use. Anyone else notice that since they’ve been onboard stock price has dropped to its lowest in 6 years?????

I’m in sales with you but pal no offense you are the problem with this company. We have way to many people here looking for someone to blame.

I’m in sales with you but pal no offense you are the problem with this company. We have way to many people here looking for someone to blame.

I’m in sales as well and totally agree with the previous poster. FRMs are a joke and waste of money. The majority of the sales force (the people who help keep the lights on) agree that there is no need for them and they have not shown any value to this point.

I’m in sales as well and totally agree with the previous poster. FRMs are a joke and waste of money. The majority of the sales force (the people who help keep the lights on) agree that there is no need for them and they have not shown any value to this point.
I don't think FRM's are a "joke". I think most are good, knowledgeable and dedicated people. I think the problem is that they are not needed. My interactions with them have not been a good use of my time. I've been selling Viv here for over 6 years. When I started it was a mess. When we expanded our manged care team they came in and really helped. They provided us access where we didn't have any. They helped find and clarify the SP's that have good fulfillment. They spent a lot of time teaching us coverage, process and fulfillment avenues. Time spent with them was paid back 10 fold in my territory sales. FRM's don't really have an environment where they can do that. I'm spending time with them for one off Rx's or having to provide insight to them on a project they are trying to get off the ground that will do nothing to increase sales or help fulfillment to any great degree. They are trying hard and seem knowledgeable,they're just not needed. There is no market for their job description that will pay big enough in increased sales to justify why we hired them. Same goes for Hospital team. I can't speak to the KAM's because I have no idea what they do. I don't think anyone really knows what they do. I guess criminal justice system stuff? I see their boss present stuff at meetings but it's not all that true. More activity based with no results and when results are presented they are not the truth. That's an odd division. Not sure how that one has lasted so long here and makes no sense why it was expanded to that many people.

I’ll just point this out: The person ultimately responsible for the 5461 mess is long gone. All other bad decisions flowed from good people trying to make the best of the bad situation he started.

I don't think FRM's are a "joke". I think most are good, knowledgeable and dedicated people. I think the problem is that they are not needed. My interactions with them have not been a good use of my time. I've been selling Viv here for over 6 years. When I started it was a mess. When we expanded our manged care team they came in and really helped. They provided us access where we didn't have any. They helped find and clarify the SP's that have good fulfillment. They spent a lot of time teaching us coverage, process and fulfillment avenues. Time spent with them was paid back 10 fold in my territory sales. FRM's don't really have an environment where they can do that. I'm spending time with them for one off Rx's or having to provide insight to them on a project they are trying to get off the ground that will do nothing to increase sales or help fulfillment to any great degree. They are trying hard and seem knowledgeable,they're just not needed. There is no market for their job description that will pay big enough in increased sales to justify why we hired them. Same goes for Hospital team. I can't speak to the KAM's because I have no idea what they do. I don't think anyone really knows what they do. I guess criminal justice system stuff? I see their boss present stuff at meetings but it's not all that true. More activity based with no results and when results are presented they are not the truth. That's an odd division. Not sure how that one has lasted so long here and makes no sense why it was expanded to that many people.

What the Hell do the KAMs do?????

The majority of them couldn’t hack it in sales so they jumped at a position that doesn’t have a number tied to it. Hopefully new management realizes they don’t bring any value. If we are going to keep them on, please hold them responsible for something or make them actually work. They typically just ride the coat tails of the TBMs. They pester TBMs to set appointments and then just like to tag along. Why do we need that?? They should have set their own appointments and have their own meetings if we keep them (which we shouldn’t.)

Perhaps sales need to sell and use the resources provided to them to help bring the revenue up and stop blaming others. Go sell, use your resources.

Shut the hell up! How can the salaries of a FRMs be justified? 165k plus all the same stock as DBLs? It’s an insult to the TBMs who drive all the revenue. Go use your resources. Please.

Wave 2 complete.... more waves coming...

Hopefully wave 2 consists of eliminating the positions that drain our once great company and bring ZERO $$$ in return. What exactly do the KAMs do?? I have never heard of them generating any business on their own. They like to ‘sit in ‘ on TBM set up meetings and act like they had something to do with it. Let’s trim the fat and eliminate all these overpaid, under producing bloated positions.