Dear Wallstreet.....


If there was ever a company that was headed down the tracks for a derailment, then make no mistake that company would be Bausch & Lomb. It’s simply grotesque to think someone like Christina Ackermann who had to beg like a pathetic house dog for an opportunity to be considered for a strategic business role (It's that bad). This is the same individual who wrote an article about herself and coauthored the article with two other women solely for the purpose of self-glorification. Here’s a newsflash there isn’t a single person with any business principles that gives a rats ass how many languages you speak and how much you benefited from your white privilege of strolling through Europe to speak 3 languages. You’re nothing more than a privileged educated elitist pig who makes other women look bad by riding the coattails of others accomplishments.

If there was ever a company that was headed down the tracks for a derailment, then make no mistake that company would be Bausch & Lomb. It’s simply grotesque to think someone like Christina Ackermann who had to beg like a pathetic house dog for an opportunity to be considered for a strategic business role (It's that bad). This is the same individual who wrote an article about herself and coauthored the article with two other women solely for the purpose of self-glorification. Here’s a newsflash there isn’t a single person with any business principles that gives a rats ass how many languages you speak and how much you benefited from your white privilege of strolling through Europe to speak 3 languages. You’re nothing more than a privileged educated elitist pig who makes other women look bad by riding the coattails of others accomplishments.

Nailed it.

If there was ever a company that was headed down the tracks for a derailment, then make no mistake that company would be Bausch & Lomb. It’s simply grotesque to think someone like Christina Ackermann who had to beg like a pathetic house dog for an opportunity to be considered for a strategic business role (It's that bad). This is the same individual who wrote an article about herself and coauthored the article with two other women solely for the purpose of self-glorification. Here’s a newsflash there isn’t a single person with any business principles that gives a rats ass how many languages you speak and how much you benefited from your white privilege of strolling through Europe to speak 3 languages. You’re nothing more than a privileged educated elitist pig who makes other women look bad by riding the coattails of others accomplishments.

The nightmare is even worse when you have to sit and listen to her live.

If there was ever a company that was headed down the tracks for a derailment, then make no mistake that company would be Bausch & Lomb. It’s simply grotesque to think someone like Christina Ackermann who had to beg like a pathetic house dog for an opportunity to be considered for a strategic business role (It's that bad). This is the same individual who wrote an article about herself and coauthored the article with two other women solely for the purpose of self-glorification. Here’s a newsflash there isn’t a single person with any business principles that gives a rats ass how many languages you speak and how much you benefited from your white privilege of strolling through Europe to speak 3 languages. You’re nothing more than a privileged educated elitist pig who makes other women look bad by riding the coattails of others accomplishments.

How is it to work with Ackermann? Is she the empathetic feminine leader described in several articles?

How is it?

She begged for her current role because there is a no confidence in her abilities or leadership.

She writes articles about herself and then co-authors them to give the appearance that someone thinks she's wonderful. The reality is among senior leadership is she is a phony. Her presence is a bun with no meat.

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