Dear Shire....


Dear whomever's idea it was to let me go...

Jut wanted to say thanks for the opportunity you provided me. I leave with no regrets, I made a lot of money doing nothing.

Just to mention, a few things I will miss..

1. Roommates at meetings
2. Entering daily calls
3. No coverage
4. No coupons
5. Shire Xmas gifts
6. Free beer at meetings

Last but not least, gonna definitely miss those frat party POA meetings!

One last thing, Karma is a bitch

The last expansion is what got me here. And now Shire is cleaning house of all of the reps that are too busy taking advantage of Shire Pharmaceuticals...the ones that start their work day at 10 and finish by 3 and think they are special. You know who you are...there is roughly 80-120 of you out there. I just showed up in the expansion to replace one of your lazy, childish, entitled asses! Don't worry, you'll be can move back in with your mom and dad. They will care for you until you have to care for them!

Thank you expansion!

This will be my last post because I will be too busy earning my day's pay starting Thursday here at Shire Pharmaceuticals.

I love you Mr. Bonnell!!! And the new guy...the CEO pediatrician. I like you too!!!

Thank you for that post. It's about time someone calls it how it is. A lot of the people bitching and crying are the people that have taken advantage of the gravy train for awhile. No company in no industry is immune to layoffs, especially not now, especially not pharma. It's a fact of life people and its necessary for companies to survive.

And while its not all of the reps that will be laid off, a lot of them should have seen the writing on the wall for years. Decreased goals? Decreased access? Less calls? No coverage? Why wouldn't this have happened years ago? Why should Shire continue to invest in you or your territory if either can't bring in the ROI?

The last expansion is what got me here. And now Shire is cleaning house of all of the reps that are too busy taking advantage of Shire Pharmaceuticals...the ones that start their work day at 10 and finish by 3 and think they are special. You know who you are...there is roughly 80-120 of you out there. I just showed up in the expansion to replace one of your lazy, childish, entitled asses! Don't worry, you'll be can move back in with your mom and dad. They will care for you until you have to care for them!

Thank you expansion!

This will be my last post because I will be too busy earning my day's pay starting Thursday here at Shire Pharmaceuticals.

I love you Mr. Bonnell!!! And the new guy...the CEO pediatrician. I like you too!!!

Except us veteran reps will make the cut not you homo expansion nerd. You can love in DB all you want to earn that paycheck after tomorrow.