The CA division is not a team. It is a battle ground with reps vs. management. The management police state style is counter productive and antiquated. Managers act as detectives working to uncover malfeasance on the part of a rep so that they may discipline or terminate the individual. We as reps are spending so much time assuring that we are meeting all the additional requirements that the managers demand that we are losing 40% of our time in the field. This is absolute insanity. Do you think any rep is going to put forth an extra effort when sales are needed because they are asked to deliver by a manager that they know has no respect for them? It is not going to happen. Many in the field have taken on a screw them before they screw us mentality.
I haven't been around for a long time but I know that the managers and their leaders have created a dysfunctional sales organization. Threats , admonishment and bullying are the three pillars of the management philosophy towards the reps in CA. We have managers with no understanding of companion animal health and no clue as to what our competitors are doing. The results are mangement styles that emphasize protocol and punishment. They can't help us develop because in most cases we know animal health and they don't. Yet the uniformed enforcer judges our ability and performance.
Good luck Mr. Borman you have inherited an absolute mess.