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Please hire a leader for primary care and one for Oncology. Keep the two entities separate! Please stop OB from filling open positions in management and in sales with inexperienced primary care reps and dms. OB is ruining this company! Everyone is miserable and no one will work for him under the current conditions!


Why do you think OB lobbied so hard to bring the two sales team together and get rid of LM?He knew that the success of oncology was exposing his shortcoming in primary care and he was rightly scared OB now is gunning after the MGIs because they are competent and can see through his BS. Unfortunately for Oncology, we have someone like Keith who became a complete sellout to OB and does the dirty deeds for him.

I don't know one person who is happy with this new arrangment. The common theme is either OB is incompetent or KW is a puppet or they want to dissolve oncology. To me, they are all true.

I don't know one person who is happy with this new arrangment. The common theme is either OB is incompetent or KW is a puppet or they want to dissolve oncology. To me, they are all true.

The first thing to do it to separate the two sales force. Let primary care have OB. I bet he burnt enough bridge there that no one wants him there either.

Seriously, just follow the example of other larger pharma companies that have oncology and primary care divisions. They are kept SEPARATE from one another. OB has never even been an oncology rep, so what would he know about running an oncology division? Everyone in oncology is unhappy with this new arrangement. Please give us a real oncology leader before it is too late. OB's primary focus is to promote everyone in pc whether they deserve it or not. He is chasing away the talent in oncology, and no one is happy. SEND OB BACK TO PRIMARY CARE WHERE HE BELONGS!!!!

Why do you all think the answer is 'sending OB back to PC' when the real issue no one is addressing is the fact that he (and many others) promote incompetent people into positions at Eisai for which they are not qualified. Promotions are all about 'who you know and owes you a favor', not who is the most competent, qualified individual for the job. This, in the end, will be the real downfall of this horrendous company. Good luck with that Mr. Naito. You need to change ALL of your senior management and send Japanese execs pronto!

Dear Japan: OB sucks!

Dear Japan: OB doesn't even know one oncology customer of Eisai!

Dear Japan: a campaign of fear and intimidation began in Oncology as soon as he became the VP of sales.

Please hire a leader for primary care and one for Oncology. Keep the two entities separate! Please stop OB from . OB is ruining this company! Everyone is miserable and no one will work for him under the current conditions!

Six months ago, we were warned. Now, we know that OB is "filling open positions in management and in sales with inexperienced primary care reps and dms". Whoever warned us then was right.

We are dealing with promoted primary care employees that are in support positions for oncology management and the sales force that have no idea what they are doing. I am not saying all, but a significant number. From personal experience it is obvious that a number of the people above are clueless. The reps laugh among themselves about personal stories of incompetance and lack of initiative when dealing with them. It makes the field sales force's jobs much more difficult as standard requests for assistance are inadequite at best.

Launching Halaven is important to Eisai. Primary care management who are lacking in knowledge of oncology are further compounding the situation by promoting many without the experience or initiative to get the job done. It is putting the company at risk, which means also the jobs of many within the organization. The situation we are putting ourselves in is not necessary. Someone please wake up before more damage is done. OB seems like a nice guy from what I know of him, but I know a lot of people that don't know anything about oncology that are nice.

Japan, respectfully, you have big problems that need to be taken care of quickly. Halaven could have been much better to this point with leadership with a proven track record in oncology. If the current group was getting the job done I would not post, but sadly it is not happening. When problems arise they ask for more spread sheets. That is not how real leadership responds. It is only a sign of bewilderment, fear and despiration, because they don't know how to address the problems...just shuffle some more data so they look like they are doing something.

We are dealing with promoted primary care employees that are in support positions for oncology management and the sales force that have no idea what they are doing. I am not saying all, but a significant number. From personal experience it is obvious that a number of the people above are clueless. The reps laugh among themselves about personal stories of incompetance and lack of initiative when dealing with them. It makes the field sales force's jobs much more difficult as standard requests for assistance are inadequite at best.

Launching Halaven is important to Eisai. Primary care management who are lacking in knowledge of oncology are further compounding the situation by promoting many without the experience or initiative to get the job done. It is putting the company at risk, which means also the jobs of many within the organization. The situation we are putting ourselves in is not necessary. Someone please wake up before more damage is done. OB seems like a nice guy from what I know of him, but I know a lot of people that don't know anything about oncology that are nice.

Japan, respectfully, you have big problems that need to be taken care of quickly. Halaven could have been much better to this point with leadership with a proven track record in oncology. If the current group was getting the job done I would not post, but sadly it is not happening. When problems arise they ask for more spread sheets. That is not how real leadership responds. It is only a sign of bewilderment, fear and despiration, because they don't know how to address the problems...just shuffle some more data so they look like they are doing something.

Oncology has gone through many leaders in a short period. It's time to replace all Oncology reps.

Oncology, AT is the start of your downfall.

Metrics and tracking spreadsheets.............where and how to spend your promo $$$$$$.

She will manage your business for you, then blame you when it fails.

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