Dear GSK respiratory contract rep


I have been with GKS for over 8 years and the Inventiv rep that got hired to overlap my territory is such a joke. A complete idiot who got laid off from one of the worst pharma companies that can only function in pods. This rep has such a horrible attitude and even a worse reputation. Oversampling because they do not have the mental capacity to engage the HCP with an effective and informative conversation. GSK is not based on signature chasing. I have already made several complaints to my DM. She is very close to contacting the Inventiv DM. If you want to coexist, please work with your GSK reps and stop oversampling.


NEWSFLASH: My area has enough Breo/Anoro samples to give everyone who comes in for two weeks...look in the mirror. Way to much Breo samples, yea I get it some inventive reps are not very good, but in may area I had ALL my GSK reps tell ME where NOT to leave my Advair samples, hey, you sell your product or try to sell it, as docs/managed care ain't buying. That's why they big shots as GSK want more of one of the greastest products that was sold. Advair has sold over $100 Billion world wide since launch.. a copy cat is a NO $ale.

I have been with GKS for over 8 years and the Inventiv rep that got hired to overlap my territory is such a joke. A complete idiot who got laid off from one of the worst pharma companies that can only function in pods. This rep has such a horrible attitude and even a worse reputation. Oversampling because they do not have the mental capacity to engage the HCP with an effective and informative conversation. GSK is not based on signature chasing. I have already made several complaints to my DM. She is very close to contacting the Inventiv DM. If you want to coexist, please work with your GSK reps and stop oversampling.

You are a joke. Why don't you contact the rep and have a CONVERSATION with them, you idiot?

You claim the rep can't have a good conversation with their doctors? Now, how the F do you know that, you bumbling idiot? Worse, you don't have the professionalism or confidence to contact the rep and discuss this.

And another thing, you are not relevant. Grow up and understand that nobody cares about people like you and YOUR attitude. Just do your job and shut up, meathead.

Whaaaaayyy, what a baby...contract rep is oversampling..their taking all the good parking spaces too. I'm telling my DM!!,,,, like the contract reps gives a rats ass...YOU're the great big pharma rep...why don't you use your 'great relationships' or those 'SELLING skills, not signature chasing skills' or deep superior 'Clinical Knowledge' to get back in their and win the Business!! or are you just pissed that with samples falling off the shelf you can't get an official sample/signature call in?? Gee I tell the front desk I got Viagra, antibiotics, birth control pills and Oxycontin and some Pens and Scratch pads and a box of Krispy Kreame d'nuts and an invitation to a paid 'consulting' steak dinner...usually gets me past the gatekeepers without too much fuss...don't forget to complain to the front desk the office a/c is too cold for your taste.

Whaaaaayyy, what a baby...contract rep is oversampling..their taking all the good parking spaces too. I'm telling my DM!!,,,, like the contract reps gives a rats ass...YOU're the great big pharma rep...why don't you use your 'great relationships' or those 'SELLING skills, not signature chasing skills' or deep superior 'Clinical Knowledge' to get back in their and win the Business!! or are you just pissed that with samples falling off the shelf you can't get an official sample/signature call in?? Gee I tell the front desk I got Viagra, antibiotics, birth control pills and Oxycontin and some Pens and Scratch pads and a box of Krispy Kreame d'nuts and an invitation to a paid 'consulting' steak dinner...usually gets me past the gatekeepers without too much fuss...don't forget to complain to the front desk the office a/c is too cold for your taste.

Oh poor baby-I am going to go cry to my DM-and then go home to my mommy and cry-oh poor baby-let me tell you something Zipper head!! I was a GSK rep and I sold Advair and Breo etc. I was there about the same time as you and had to go to inventiv to work. All inventiv reps are not scum you terd!! You sound like a male bitch who goes home to mommy!!Although I ended up with inventiv-I would bury you with Breo,Anoro-What ever!!! So go home and cry to your mommy!!! you kiddy kid kid!!

I have been with GKS for over 8 years and the Inventiv rep that got hired to overlap my territory is such a joke. A complete idiot who got laid off from one of the worst pharma companies that can only function in pods. This rep has such a horrible attitude and even a worse reputation. Oversampling because they do not have the mental capacity to engage the HCP with an effective and informative conversation. GSK is not based on signature chasing. I have already made several complaints to my DM. She is very close to contacting the Inventiv DM. If you want to coexist, please work with your GSK reps and stop oversampling.
Right, because YOU want to do the oversampling you GSK drone fVckwad. Talk about coming from the worst company? What a total clusterfVck GSK is! You people are nothing but metric driven sample fVcks who aren't even evaluated on your sales since your company is such a cesspool of lying, cheating, off-label C0CKSVCKERS.
Now go get ready to have your boss work with you again and study for your test next week and pray that the doctors surveyed even know who the hell you are so you can make a couple bucks in bonus....and oh by the way, your days are numbered since we were told that GSK plans to replace you worthless cumdrips with an all contract sales force.

Whaaaaayyy, what a baby...contract rep is oversampling..their taking all the good parking spaces too. I'm telling my DM!!,,,, like the contract reps gives a rats ass...YOU're the great big pharma rep...why don't you use your 'great relationships' or those 'SELLING skills, not signature chasing skills' or deep superior 'Clinical Knowledge' to get back in their and win the Business!! or are you just pissed that with samples falling off the shelf you can't get an official sample/signature call in?? Gee I tell the front desk I got Viagra, antibiotics, birth control pills and Oxycontin and some Pens and Scratch pads and a box of Krispy Kreame d'nuts and an invitation to a paid 'consulting' steak dinner...usually gets me past the gatekeepers without too much fuss...don't forget to complain to the front desk the office a/c is too cold for your taste.

those idiot "manufacturer" reps have their heads so far up their butts it is scary.
nice post, by the way.

at the end of the day, they are just ants (99% of them), with no clue about how to actually have a conversation with a customer…worse, they have no clue how to live and think they are actually important people in this "game".

Honey. Get over yourself. Manufacturer reps ALWAYS want to complain about the contract reps, who once were manufacturer reps once upon a time. Hum. Look at that. Anyway, I feel you may be intimidated by your inVentiv counter partner. He/she could take YOUR place! I'm just saying.

Honey. Get over yourself. Manufacturer reps ALWAYS want to complain about the contract reps, who once were manufacturer reps once upon a time. Hum. Look at that. Anyway, I feel you may be intimidated by your inVentiv counter partner. He/she could take YOUR place! I'm just saying.

This is the truth of what we have today in our industry: the contract reps have more experience and are better reps because they have been humbled by this terrible industry.

Just look at who the manufacturer companies are hiring: newbies out of college or those with less than 5 years of outside sales experience.

Contract companies are hiring those with 5-25 years experience, and a lot of accomplishments and better relationships.

This is the truth, and anyone that can't see that is a dummy.