Dear Danish Overlords

Disillusioned employee

Dear Danish Overlords,

Home office employee here. NNI is but a shell of the once great affiliate it was.

This all started with that impersonal jack-off Jesper you installed here.

Since then NNI has been in a downward spiral and HO moral is tanking.

From the mishandling of Covid in the beginning and listening to Anne bumble in and on about nothing to Mary Ellen smiling while discussing layoffs, your “executive team” (and that’s a term we use loosely here in the states when discussing them) has dropped the ball.

You can call it headwinds or political climate but at the end of the day it’s your installation of incompetence here that’s causing the current situation.


People like you like to throw rocks at windows why don’t you do this do your job fabricate give us the numbers we want to go away
Dear Danish Overlords,

Home office employee here. NNI is but a shell of the once great affiliate it was.

This all started with that impersonal jack-off Jesper you installed here.

Since then NNI has been in a downward spiral and HO moral is tanking.

From the mishandling of Covid in the beginning and listening to Anne bumble in and on about nothing to Mary Ellen smiling while discussing layoffs, your “executive team” (and that’s a term we use loosely here in the states when discussing them) has dropped the ball.

You can call it headwinds or political climate but at the end of the day it’s your installation of incompetence here that’s causing the current situation.