Dear Chuck


I'm not trying to change the World . But would someone please advise me how I'm going to grow Oracea 36 % when the "New " AG is available today . When I mess up in sales I hear about it hard core . Through my eyes when someone at corporate messes up a they get a pass and NO ONE owns up to the sales force .

Chuck seeing it's your job , I'm telling you every time I start to feel good about Galderma again they pull this crap . It's like one step forward two steps back . It's my trust broken again !

It's not good JuJu Chuck , it's gotta change . People in hell are praying for snow this year . Likewise we need to see a change of heart not just hear it's coming .


To Dear Chuck ,

Why don't you start with bad DM's that bring down their districts with the I don't care attitude. The ones always complaining that they just travelled 5 hours to get here, and need to catch a train in 3 hours, so hurry up.

The DM's that do 0 dinners now, since we need them present. The DM's who cancel the nite before an important dinner that has been scheduled and the Dr.. changed her schedule, and the rep has to cancel.

The DM that does nothing to coach or help new hires in the district or struggling reps.

The DM that continually rearranges his/her schedule and changed your ride along 2, 3 , and 4 x in a row.

Why don't you sit with J W and ask him if he really wants to be a DM anymore. That's a great start for you.


[Verse 1]
I’m bringing sexy back
Them other boys don’t know how to act
I think you're special, what's behind your back?
So turn around and I'll pick up the slack.

Take 'em to the bridge

Dirty babe
You see these shackles
Baby I’m your slave
I’ll let you whip me if I misbehave
It’s just that no one makes me feel this way

Take 'em to the chorus

Come here girl
Go ahead, be gone with it
Come to the back
Go ahead, be gone with it
Go ahead, be gone with it
Drinks on me
Go ahead, be gone with it
Let me see what you’re twerking with
Go ahead, be gone with it
Look at those hips
Go ahead, be gone with it
You make me smile
Go ahead, be gone with it
Go ahead child
Go ahead, be gone with it
And get your sexy on
Go ahead, be gone with it

Get your sexy on
Go ahead, be gone with it
[Repeat 6 times]

To Dear Chuck ,

Why don't you start with bad DM's that bring down their districts with the I don't care attitude. The ones always complaining that they just travelled 5 hours to get here, and need to catch a train in 3 hours, so hurry up.

The DM's that do 0 dinners now, since we need them present. The DM's who cancel the nite before an important dinner that has been scheduled and the Dr.. changed her schedule, and the rep has to cancel.

The DM that does nothing to coach or help new hires in the district or struggling reps.

The DM that continually rearranges his/her schedule and changed your ride along 2, 3 , and 4 x in a row.

Why don't you sit with J W and ask him if he really wants to be a DM anymore. That's a great start for you.

Absolutely. Unless he has some major family problem at home that he has not shared with our district, he is so checked out, demotivating, and needs to be somewhere else. How does KC not see he works with nobody and finds it acceptable?

Absolutely. Unless he has some major family problem at home that he has not shared with our district, he is so checked out, demotivating, and needs to be somewhere else. How does KC not see he works with nobody and finds it acceptable?
He may be a nice guy but
J. W g talks a good game in offices and meetings, but does not deserve his position. He is so disconnected to the team and offers 0.
We hope he gets his act together or moves on.

Have ya seen some of the people they promoted to DSM s recently ? Ask the people in Chi town about that HR nightmare . Or better yet inquire who GA or CS or KC have in mind if you're DSM walked . Not pretty reading .

Do your job and let the cards play themselves out .

As a Sr Director Chuck is probably pulling in around 250 K to 300 K . I would do feel good dance as well if all I has to do was set up meetings and then fly around on his feel good tour. Facts are Facts the real leadership that supported the sales team and knew how to run the business got kicked out of this place several years ago. I find it interesting that those companies that some of our former leadership went to are the ones growing in Derm. Then finally they realized what a train wreck FF, BJ and FH and crew had been. Stewart supposedly cleaned house. Gets rewarded with a cushy job in Europe and now we have the clown show from Alcon and a little inept gal running the Rx sales side. No leadership, no innovation and now a feel good show from chuck. They supported the wrong people here and let FF start a dramatic downward spin and I simply do not see how they right this ship at this point. Anybody with any ability and knowledge in the derm space would not touch this company with a ten foot pole. Even the DMs are checked out and the GA, CS and KC show continues to run around like chickens with their heads cut off. How they got into those positions and now keep them is a complete mystery. TD has not been a leader either and clearly has not guts to do right by the sales team. Attitude reflects leadership.

As a Sr Director Chuck is probably pulling in around 250 K to 300 K . I would do feel good dance as well if all I has to do was set up meetings and then fly around on his feel good tour. Facts are Facts the real leadership that supported the sales team and knew how to run the business got kicked out of this place several years ago. I find it interesting that those companies that some of our former leadership went to are the ones growing in Derm. Then finally they realized what a train wreck FF, BJ and FH and crew had been. Stewart supposedly cleaned house. Gets rewarded with a cushy job in Europe and now we have the clown show from Alcon and a little inept gal running the Rx sales side. No leadership, no innovation and now a feel good show from chuck. They supported the wrong people here and let FF start a dramatic downward spin and I simply do not see how they right this ship at this point. Anybody with any ability and knowledge in the derm space would not touch this company with a ten foot pole. Even the DMs are checked out and the GA, CS and KC show continues to run around like chickens with their heads cut off. How they got into those positions and now keep them is a complete mystery. TD has not been a leader either and clearly has not guts to do right by the sales team. Attitude reflects leadership.

I certainly agree with you on the Alcon bit. We have hired some clowns from that company. So many hook ups and big boys club. I understand hiring in house folks from there because it's based in Fort Worth. But management? Reps? Come on. We can do better.

He may be a nice guy but
J. W g talks a good game in offices and meetings, but does not deserve his position. He is so disconnected to the team and offers 0.
We hope he gets his act together or moves on.

The rumor is he has a full time position at another RX company and his DM position
is falling apart. How sad that KC has not caught on.

Absolutely. Unless he has some major family problem at home that he has not shared with our district, he is so checked out, demotivating, and needs to be somewhere else. How does KC not see he works with nobody and finds it acceptable?
it really is sad that we have a DM who has no respect for what we do, how hard we work,
does not reply to us, and leaves the district to fend for themselves.

confused of why he pretends to be our DM ?

any answers

I use to work for him and if you like being left alone and having 2 hour ride alongs he works.

If your looking for involvement , help, guidance or leadership, not for you.

It's all good, he's old school box checker.

I'm hurting, baby, I'm broken down
I need your loving, loving
I need it now
When I'm without you
I'm something weak
You got me begging, begging
I'm on my knees

I don't wanna be needing your love
I just wanna be deep in your love
And it's killing me when you're away, ooh, baby,
'Cause I really don't care where you are
I just wanna be there where you are
And I gotta get one little taste

Your sugar
Yes, please
Won't you come and put it down on me?
I'm right here, 'cause I need
Little love, a little sympathy
Yeah, you show me good loving
Make it alright
Need a little sweetness in my life
Your sugar
Yes, please
Won't you come and put it down on me?

The same person is posting because they are on
the way out and trying to throw DM under the bus. Tick toc...
your time is running out and you know it.

To dear cafepharma monitor,

I am not the same person and agree 100%. He's a great manager, no see him for 4 months at a time, no hear from him for 4 weeks at a time. I wish I didn't relocate
and work for the idiot I work for now.

Now get a life and stop critiquing other peoples post.

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