Dear AZ....


Why the hell are you bumping all your cso sweat hogs out the door....and before their due dates. Surprises and more surprises! Another team cut loose without benefits or severance. You make us not want to give a drop more of our honey dew sweat next time around. No self respecting, hard working sweaty hog pigs and piglets for you next time around...

The chorus is singing "Go oink yourself!"


Why the hell are you bumping all your cso sweat hogs out the door....and before their due dates. Surprises and more surprises! Another team cut loose without benefits or severance. You make us not want to give a drop more of our honey dew sweat next time around. No self respecting, hard working sweaty hog pigs and piglets for you next time around...

The chorus is singing "Go oink yourself!"

Which teams?

Just the start. How many PCP reps will be gone when Crestor goes? How about the double the # necessary in diabetes considering they aren't doing squat.

Just use common sense.
Now the previous poster mentioned something about letting people go w/o the typical severance that is normally seen w/ a big layoff. If that is what they are up to, that is low. If I am one, I would do my best to put together a class action lawsuit looking for 6 weeks for every year worked. They don't want to give me two like they should, then I will seek triple plus mental anguish $ plus all attorney fees. Anyone got Erin Brockovich's #?

Just the start. How many PCP reps will be gone when Crestor goes? How about the double the # necessary in diabetes considering they aren't doing squat.

Just use common sense.
Now the previous poster mentioned something about letting people go w/o the typical severance that is normally seen w/ a big layoff. If that is what they are up to, that is low. If I am one, I would do my best to put together a class action lawsuit looking for 6 weeks for every year worked. They don't want to give me two like they should, then I will seek triple plus mental anguish $ plus all attorney fees. Anyone got Erin Brockovich's #?
Ha ha. AZ will never do a massive layoff that forces them to extended benefits. This will be a gradual but continuous drip drip drip erosion of the sales force. They will call it a hiring freeze and reduction through natural attrition. If they offer a voluntary separation with a package, then for God's sake take it this time. It will be the last of its kind. That is if the offer it again. If you think they care about you or that you are special, just remember all of the one time labeled AZ heroes that are no longer around. They aren't naming buildings after them or erecting monuments are they.

Why the hell are you bumping all your cso sweat hogs out the door....and before their due dates. Surprises and more surprises! Another team cut loose without benefits or severance. You make us not want to give a drop more of our honey dew sweat next time around. No self respecting, hard working sweaty hog pigs and piglets for you next time around...

The chorus is singing "Go oink yourself!"

HAven't heard anything about any teams being dissolved. Which ones are you talking about?

Don't post if you don't know the truth. DS 4 is alive and well. It is the CSO organization that was hired to sample drop Onglyza.., which probably never should have been there to begin with, but that's another whole part of this fiasco.

AZ seem to be poor analysts and planners. The result is hires then cuts. Hires, promises then contracts cut early. It's bad for the good folks who came on board. They did not sign up for being bounced around then out the door. When the best reps and dms des code on no more AZ don't be surprised!