dead wood


This board has died. Makes me think everyone is so apathetic about their job that they don't even care enough to complain any more. There are a ton of views just no one posting. It's like a terminally ill patient just giving up and waiting to die. am I wrong?

I was never too enthusiastic about becoming a B&L'er. I always thought of B&L as a typical big pharma company run by a bunch of numbers guys who don't have an ounce of common sense. After seeing first hand the company culture (atmosphere) these top people promote it has killed my high energy level and self-confidence. I used to have a hunger for money and possess a compulsive need to win and now I just see myself as a sample dropper. Just biding my time. It's ok for you to take up for or leaders, these misguided "pharma experts" if you wish. What ever makes you feel good.

I was never too enthusiastic about becoming a B&L'er. I always thought of B&L as a typical big pharma company run by a bunch of numbers guys who don't have an ounce of common sense. After seeing first hand the company culture (atmosphere) these top people promote it has killed my high energy level and self-confidence. I used to have a hunger for money and possess a compulsive need to win and now I just see myself as a sample dropper. Just biding my time. It's ok for you to take up for or leaders, these misguided "pharma experts" if you wish. What ever makes you feel good.

I heard that's how many of the OD reps feel as well.

I can tell you that if they would have kept some of the ISTA leadership you wouldn't feel this way. There was something inspiring about those guys. Around here it feels like no one cares.

I can tell you that if they would have kept some of the ISTA leadership you wouldn't feel this way. There was something inspiring about those guys. Around here it feels like no one cares.

It's called "cover your ass". Don't do anything that someone else can make a note of in their little black book and bring it back up sometime to criticize you with. If you have to walk around all the time looking over your shoulder then that's a terrible way to have to approach your job.

This board has died. Makes me think everyone is so apathetic about their job that they don't even care enough to complain any more. There are a ton of views just no one posting. It's like a terminally ill patient just giving up and waiting to die. am I wrong?

You are right. No one posts anymore because no one cares enough to post. It is interesting though that there are still a lot of views. It is like watching you team (the worst NFL Football team) on television. They are just so bad that it is not worth complaining about. Nothing you can say will make the team any better. All you can do is wait around until next year and hopefully the team will get a new coach and new quarterback and then maybe you can start rooting for the team again. For B+L it has been a long wait.

I can't believe these novartis losers they brought in here are still here. It has been down hill since 2008/2009. 3 years of the worst and most negative leadership I have ever seen or had the displeasure to have to endure.

I can't believe these novartis losers they brought in here are still here. It has been down hill since 2008/2009. 3 years of the worst and most negative leadership I have ever seen or had the displeasure to have to endure.

Novartis rules the world. It runs B+L and Alcon. If you worked for Novartis you are royalty until there is a revolution that kills you and Marie Antoinette. Let them eat cake.

novartis actually owns alcon, but the losers in charge here destroyed novartis' retinal division and were brought here by their loser leader flemming. This crew is made up of the non hackers at novartis. how PS and KK still have a job anywhere is beyond comprehension. PS is incompetent as a business leader, but managers to survive by shifting blame to all others. A gutless slime ball and his skanky lemming kk is the most vile person I have ever met.

There's B&L pharma's leadership. No wonder the company is going no where.

It's called "cover your ass". Don't do anything that someone else can make a note of in their little black book and bring it back up sometime to criticize you with. If you have to walk around all the time looking over your shoulder then that's a terrible way to have to approach your job.

Tables turned. Little Black Books are kept on management too. So when firing tactics are used, little black book goes to big pharma lawyer. Cover your ass indeed.