Dead Calm in PC


Novartis has been wanting to get out of PC for the last three years. They realized that Diovan generic and Tekturna a bust they do not need a PC sales force. They are milking Exelon in 2014 and will exit PC at the end of this year. The new HF drug if approved will be launched in spring of 2015 you will get a chance to interview at that time. If your manager is around you have a shot to get a position, otherwise goodby. They will need only 20% of you and outside reps will also be interviewed. If the new HF drug does not show a 30% plus improvement it will never be accepted by manage care so sales will be low. The FDA is well aware of the Novartis tainted studies in the past Tekturna, Diovan so there will be more careful before they approve this drug prediction more data needed .

Novartis has been wanting to get out of PC for the last three years. They realized that Diovan generic and Tekturna a bust they do not need a PC sales force. They are milking Exelon in 2014 and will exit PC at the end of this year. The new HF drug if approved will be launched in spring of 2015 you will get a chance to interview at that time. If your manager is around you have a shot to get a position, otherwise goodby. They will need only 20% of you and outside reps will also be interviewed. If the new HF drug does not show a 30% plus improvement it will never be accepted by manage care so sales will be low. The FDA is well aware of the Novartis tainted studies in the past Tekturna, Diovan so there will be more careful before they approve this drug prediction more data needed .

Really? A blockbuster drug and they will only need 20% of their existing sales force? Then hire from outside? For what? It's not a specialty drug. It's for primary care docs and cardiologists. Gen meds has already been in these offices....

Really? A blockbuster drug and they will only need 20% of their existing sales force? Then hire from outside? For what? It's not a specialty drug. It's for primary care docs and cardiologists. Gen meds has already been in these offices....

Why would heart failure be a PC drug. Isn't heart failure treated by HF specialists and/or cardiologists? Although I believe wishful thinking, I do not think PC docs will be the focus, nor do I think they would typically treat HF. I have to agree with the other post this will be a specialty drug with a specialty sales force not PC.

Why would heart failure be a PC drug. Isn't heart failure treated by HF specialists and/or cardiologists? Although I believe wishful thinking, I do not think PC docs will be the focus, nor do I think they would typically treat HF. I have to agree with the other post this will be a specialty drug with a specialty sales force not PC.

Oh I forgot. When we were in cardiology and IM offices promoting the indication for heart failure and post MI for Diovan, I guess we were just lowly PC reps... Many gen meds reps stil have those relationships with CD's. Many those are the folks that should be kept...

And they very well may be kept... They will just have to apply for the job and go up against external candidates with more recent cardio experience. There won't be any gimmes this go around. PC all gone with option to apply for the newly created positions selling LCZ.

And they very well may be kept... They will just have to apply for the job and go up against external candidates with more recent cardio experience. There won't be any gimmes this go around. PC all gone with option to apply for the newly created positions selling LCZ.

This makes the most sense. The 2014 sales trip destination wasn't ever even announced. PC is done!

And they very well may be kept... They will just have to apply for the job and go up against external candidates with more recent cardio experience. There won't be any gimmes this go around. PC all gone with option to apply for the newly created positions selling LCZ.

Man I hope every rep sees what a slap in the face this is and tells Nov to go f$@k themselves, takes the severance and then makes phone calls to every primary care doc or cardiologist they have relationships with and that this drug falls flat on its face. Hate to break it to ole senior leadership but relationships matter. Disgusting. Pathetic.