DCV Developments

So are these discussions taking place now? And if this is true, when would it possibly be taking place...end of year? In one year? If Lantus is tanking and Toujeo and Soliqua aren’t keeping up- what would you expect? Also, the 2nd biosimilar Lantus comes out sometime soon. That alone could push Lantus and Toujeo off many more formularies. Not sure how much longer this really can continue. Part of me would be sad to see all this end, but the other part of me will be doing cartwheels and moving on!

Trust me.... I recently left Sanofi on my own accord after a few of years of praying for a severance. I thought I knew prior to leaving how bad it was at Sanofi. Nope. I had no idea just how bad it was at Sanofi until I worked for another company. You seriously have no idea when you’re in the thick of it. It’s crazy. Get out of that toxic environment! The industry is rough enough wo working for a company as incompetent as Sanofi.

So are these discussions taking place now? And if this is true, when would it possibly be taking place...end of year? In one year? If Lantus is tanking and Toujeo and Soliqua aren’t keeping up- what would you expect? Also, the 2nd biosimilar Lantus comes out sometime soon. That alone could push Lantus and Toujeo off many more formularies. Not sure how much longer this really can continue. Part of me would be sad to see all this end, but the other part of me will be doing cartwheels and moving on!

I know they were looking at revenue generated and the diabetes franchise is currently losing revenue. Look at your territories, add all the Rx’s and u can get a rough idea of revenue generated, now subtract that by about 30%. Then add all the field salaries, marketing cost etc and you can clearly see we are losing money each month on diabetes products. Company can not continue to operate at a deficit each year and with additional competition pressures for Lantus, serious consideration is being given to elimination of the diabetes sales force. I have not heard anything regarding CV.
Would occur before January 1 is all I know.

I don't believe this. I just got my new car last month.

Well how long have you worked here? If you’ve been around for awhile, folks have received their new cars and two months later been downsized out of a position. I’m over 115,000 miles and still waiting on my new car. I can’t believe this old clunker still makes it thru the day - they had to replace the fleet. However, just because they get us new cars or plan a meeting doesn’t guarantee employment to any extent. I don’t think it would happen til end of year anyway. This is going to be interesting!

I can see this happening. We are so far away from achieving the load of crap management sold the shareholders. Every week we just dig a bigger hole to try to climb out of. The goals set are unachievable in today’s medical landscape. The smartest thing they could do from a financial standpoint is cut their losses and run.

It would not surprise me if sanofi sold off their diabetes franchise like BMS did. Looking at the pipeline and what sanofi is focused on now, it makes sense that they would consider this.

Discussions taking place to possible cease promotion as there is simply not enough revenue being generated to justify the expense.

I would agree that a sell-off of the Diabetes Franchise is likely. Makes a lot of sense and sounds like they are positioning it for sale with the desperation of Diabetes and CV management that was announced earlier this week.

Diabetes will be gone in 2019. CVwill survive due to aggressive price concessions put in place recently and the Outcomes data that will involve updated label changes. The LDL market is huge and if Sanofi evens gets 10% of the market it will be a success. The only wildcard with this is you have to pray that Regeneron makes the strong decisions moving forward. Do you think Michelle and Trish and company can maneuver us through this landscape??Think not as the RBL team is beyond weak at Sanofi and Regeneron clearly has smarter people in management.

Diabetes will be gone in 2019. CVwill survive due to aggressive price concessions put in place recently and the Outcomes data that will involve updated label changes. The LDL market is huge and if Sanofi evens gets 10% of the market it will be a success. The only wildcard with this is you have to pray that Regeneron makes the strong decisions moving forward. Do you think Michelle and Trish and company can maneuver us through this landscape??Think not as the RBL team is beyond weak at Sanofi and Regeneron clearly has smarter people in management.

It would not surprise me if sanofi sold off their diabetes franchise like BMS did. Looking at the pipeline and what sanofi is focused on now, it makes sense that they would consider this.
Most of my soliqua Rxs are given out for free, and that obviously can't be sustained.
What compoany would buy a dying portfolio? I am thinking someone like Quintiles or Publicis could maintain the portfolio with a contract sales force.