DC based DCO - Why did he leave so suddenly??

Chris Q...piece of work. I wonder if the VPs that backed that piece of human garbage are proud of themselves now. Thanks Jan...Thanks Muna...Will you now reverse all the false information this dirt bag spread upon others. I know why he was asked to the door...I will leave that alone... This is another example of a smiling kiss ass, no brain silverspooner fooling our astute leadership. His leadership scores in the training department were bottom of the barrel. Was anything done ? No...silver spooner was promoted and put in a position that fed his over stoked ego.....and somehow warped his sense of right and wrong and he went over the edge. Lost 250K package and career...because he rose 4X beyond where he should have been in the first place.

Kiss ass garbage...pity the company that picks him up....

Chris Q...piece of work. I wonder if the VPs that backed that piece of human garbage are proud of themselves now. Thanks Jan...Thanks Muna...Will you now reverse all the false information this dirt bag spread upon others. I know why he was asked to the door...I will leave that alone... This is another example of a smiling kiss ass, no brain silverspooner fooling our astute leadership. His leadership scores in the training department were bottom of the barrel. Was anything done ? No...silver spooner was promoted and put in a position that fed his over stoked ego.....and somehow warped his sense of right and wrong and he went over the edge. Lost 250K package and career...because he rose 4X beyond where he should have been in the first place.

Kiss ass garbage...pity the company that picks him up....

You are desribing DCO Tom Lyon in vaccines. If only he would leave or get fired.