DBM title has been changed to Stepford Wife


They're fucking useless. Time to trim the fat and go 30 reps per DM, minimum.

Been saying this for years 20-30 reps w/ 2-4 Work w/ a year depending on tenure. Why are this morons working w/ Reps that have been around 10/15+ years. Then they still try to Ding you on a trip report. Senseless Children is all they are.

I couldn’t agree more to this. There is no reason for the monthly (or more) field time, esp now. It would be great for morale.

They have nothing else to do.
Besides, who would coach us and develop us into Pfizerbots to perpetuate the species?
Most of these incompetent, egotistical clowns simply played the game and ass- kissed their way to the DM position.... a position most reps want nothing to do with.

They have nothing else to do.
Besides, who would coach us and develop us into Pfizerbots to perpetuate the species?
Most of these incompetent, egotistical clowns simply played the game and ass- kissed their way to the DM position.... a position most reps want nothing to do with.
I couldn't agree more. I enjoy being a loser and having to take orders from someone that I find incompetent. I am, certainly, using my degree. Reps are the chosen ones!

I couldn't agree more. I enjoy being a loser and having to take orders from someone that I find incompetent. I am, certainly, using my degree. Reps are the chosen ones!

Failed sales people!!! Most cant get along with people which in quinacetial to the sales role. They get 'promted' so they can get someones else better.... kinda like failing 3 grade 2x and the teacher just promotes you to be done!!! LMAO...OK not that bad but funny!!! Signed every regional VP and Regional Business Director!!!

Many of them became managers 15-20 years ago when the job was totally different. Problem is they are still ramming their dumbass ideas from 15-20 years ago down our throats.

Agree. DM use to have some value and impact, in our I&I division Derm has always been puppets for VP and last year Xeljanz DMs became puppets for the womanizer racists spoil brat Lotz show. DMs in our Region have ZERO value other than tell us more Calls, Freq, Reach, Share of Voice, Luncheons, speaker programs..... all Lotz HQ activity base business model. We dont use our brains anymore, just follow direction and check boxes which our DMs coach to

You haven’t seen stupid until you see derm west region ass clown MB and the tool team off DMs he’s promoted. TW is useless also. I& I should stand for Insanity & Incompetence!

Failed sales people!!! Most cant get along with people which in quinacetial to the sales role. They get 'promted' so they can get someones else better.... kinda like failing 3 grade 2x and the teacher just promotes you to be done!!! LMAO...OK not that bad but funny!!! Signed every regional VP and Regional Business Director!!!

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