DBM’s find out today. Start the list!


Really!?! We do that?

Immediately upon getting bad news, jump on CP and publicize it?

I’m with you on this. These are people’s lives. I don’t know what going to happen to me or the people on my team, but I certainly hope my DM is safe. Clearly he developed a team of people who would never ever post something like this. I am
shocked by some of the stuff I see on here. Maybe it’s a regional or cultural thing, but I don’t get it. Sure, post the info, that’s what this site is for, but the tone of this post is just flat out disrespectful.

Too many useless reps and as a result too many managers that we don’t need. Bye bye everyone, hope you enjoyed your life as a glorified grubhub driver!

These are human beings with families and mortgages who just got brutally laid off by a company that doesn't care about them. Do you feel good about yourself gloating in one of their darkest moments?

These are human beings with families and mortgages who just got brutally laid off by a company that doesn't care about them. Do you feel good about yourself gloating in one of their darkest moments?
There are at least 5 DMs who were retirement eligible and were let go with a large severance- very nice way to begin retirement.

I wonder why layoffs are occuring when they are reporting 50 billion in revenue from the vaccine in 2021 and projecting 100 billion for 2022. Oh I know why, to continue to line the pockets of the executives. Get rid of the reps cuz we want to digitize our marketing efforts. Very sad for all affected!