DBL Fired

Heard the same….sales? Florida along with Ohio went from heroes to not making goal, unachievable goals, and DBL’s gone. Ohio’s DBL was useless but still numbers.

Ohio will rebound. Finally hired a manager who understands the business, disease state, who won’t put up with excuses or negativity, and will hire talent. The past 2 were ……Just not a fit. No actually, they were really bad.

Ohio will rebound. Finally hired a manager who understands the business, disease state, who won’t put up with excuses or negativity, and will hire talent. The past 2 were ……Just not a fit. No actually, they were really bad.
I can only agree that the last two sucked but the new DBL….that’s just funny.

It was many issues that cost him his job. No one thing or person. He never made goal, Lacked understanding of this disease state and business, and mismanaged. He just wasn’t a fit. Simple as that. Nice person, good intentions, wish him well. Stop making up stories. No good person enjoys seeing people lose their job.

sounds about right. I heard she’s a snake in the grass and will throw anyone under the bus to advance her career. Can’t believe she is still here with all her sneaky ways.

more and more coming out about her behind the back stabbing. I heard she got caught bashing her teammates on a conference call. She was talking to someone else and didn’t know she was not on mute. Heard her whole team hates her now, wow.