Is this the fine print you're talking about? Cause umm I have and it doesn't seem to support your case.
Cafepharma is committed to free speech. And to this end, we do allow anonymous posting on many of the message boards. We think that anonymous speech has established a long record of value throughout history.
However, we do not allow posts that constitute personal attacks on identified individuals. We delete such posts when we become aware of them. Personal attacks include references to personal appearance or lifestyle and personal relationships. Allegations of criminal wrongdoing or personal misconduct are also considered personal attacks. Additionally, unsavory names attached to identified individuals are not allowed.
Overtly racist posts and posts that seem designed to denigrate specific groups (i.e.. females, specific company reps,etc) will also be removed.
Posts that are purported to be made by identified individuals may be deleted.
Posts made by "trolls" designed to simply "get a rise" out of readers will also be deleted.
Cafepharma may delete other posts/threads at its discretion in order to maintain the usability of the boards.
Although we may miss posts that violate these policies, we delete them when we become aware of them.
To protect user anonymity we do not record anonymous poster information such as IP addresses, email addresses, etc. linked to posts. However, in certain unusual circumstances where criminal activity may be involved (credible threats of violence, terrorism, threats against web services...) this may be temporarily changed. In this case, all information not related to the case will be deleted beyond recovery.
We allow a tremendous range of free speech and discussion on our forums. Our board management decisions are made with the goals of keeping the forums usable and valuable and protecting individuals from personal attack.