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Dave Ricks the Liar


Does anyone else remember when the company said they would not expand and they would be looking to expand in other states because of Indiana's abortion law? Ol Davey boy jumped on that woke train and said we will not be looking to expand in Indiana. And now he's celebrating the opening of new manufacturing plants in Indiana and hiring more workers. I guess Dave isn't as woke as he wants his employees to portray.

Does anyone else remember when the company said they would not expand and they would be looking to expand in other states because of Indiana's abortion law? Ol Davey boy jumped on that woke train and said we will not be looking to expand in Indiana. And now he's celebrating the opening of new manufacturing plants in Indiana and hiring more workers. I guess Dave isn't as woke as he wants his employees to portray.[/QUOTE
Dave plays red states against each other to get the best possible tax breaks for new manufacturing investments. He plays to a different constituency for R&D investments: the people in predominantly blue states we actually need to fill the labs. Perhaps he is bluffing, but the trend lines point to a future where in 10 years, most of Lilly's US research will be done in Boston and San Diego. (Development is a somewhat different story.) You say he is a liar, I say he is shrewd.

Does anyone else remember when the company said they would not expand and they would be looking to expand in other states because of Indiana's abortion law? Ol Davey boy jumped on that woke train and said we will not be looking to expand in Indiana. And now he's celebrating the opening of new manufacturing plants in Indiana and hiring more workers. I guess Dave isn't as woke as he wants his employees to portray.[/QUOTE
Dave plays red states against each other to get the best possible tax breaks for new manufacturing investments. He plays to a different constituency for R&D investments: the people in predominantly blue states we actually need to fill the labs. Perhaps he is bluffing, but the trend lines point to a future where in 10 years, most of Lilly's US research will be done in Boston and San Diego. (Development is a somewhat different story.) You say he is a liar, I say he is shrewd.

Dave plays red states against each other to get the best possible tax breaks for new manufacturing investments. He plays to a different constituency for R&D investments: the people in predominantly blue states we actually need to fill the labs. Perhaps he is bluffing, but the trend lines point to a future where in 10 years, most of Lilly's US research will be done in Boston and San Diego. (Development is a somewhat different story.) You say he is a liar, I say he is shrewd.

Does anyone else remember when the company said they would not expand and they would be looking to expand in other states because of Indiana's abortion law? Ol Davey boy jumped on that woke train and said we will not be looking to expand in Indiana. And now he's celebrating the opening of new manufacturing plants in Indiana and hiring more workers. I guess Dave isn't as woke as he wants his employees to portray.

The entire 12th floor is a liberal oasis. They love to pontificate about their liberal viewpoints and woke-isms. To them, the only thing that matters is virtue signaling and their current rank in Diversity Inc.

The entire 12th floor is a liberal oasis. They love to pontificate about their liberal viewpoints and woke-isms. To them, the only thing that matters is virtue signaling and their current rank in Diversity Inc.
Yeah right. The only thing that matters is virtue signaling... that, and the >$400 share price. At least wait to do a stupid post until the stock drops.

Does anyone else remember when the company said they would not expand and they would be looking to expand in other states because of Indiana's abortion law? Ol Davey boy jumped on that woke train and said we will not be looking to expand in Indiana. And now he's celebrating the opening of new manufacturing plants in Indiana and hiring more workers. I guess Dave isn't as woke as he wants his employees to portray.

Likely not fully woke, definitely virtue signaling DEI.

Probably also scared, fearful of the hostile cancel culture community. Look at his profile, doesn’t fit ”Their” profile.

Yeah right. The only thing that matters is virtue signaling... that, and the >$400 share price. At least wait to do a stupid post until the stock drops.
I see you don’t understand the difference between current leadership and stock price. This may be beyond your GED level of understanding but I will try nonetheless.

The stock price is a function of our portfolio. The majority of products in the current portfolio have been in development for years or even decades. The current CEO had little to do with it, unless you believe he a alone discovered and developed the current portfolio

As a matter of timing, it’s great to be the CEO when those products, after years of development, hit the market during the CEO’s tenure. But if you believe only this CEO could achieve the current stock price with this portfolio, you are naive. Any qualified CEO who happened to have this portfolio dropped in their lap would have been equally successful.

Consider yourself educated on this topic.

I see you don’t understand the difference between current leadership and stock price. This may be beyond your GED level of understanding but I will try nonetheless.

The stock price is a function of our portfolio. The majority of products in the current portfolio have been in development for years or even decades. The current CEO had little to do with it, unless you believe he a alone discovered and developed the current portfolio

As a matter of timing, it’s great to be the CEO when those products, after years of development, hit the market during the CEO’s tenure. But if you believe only this CEO could achieve the current stock price with this portfolio, you are naive. Any qualified CEO who happened to have this portfolio dropped in their lap would have been equally successful.

Consider yourself educated on this topic.
I appreciate the man-splaining. Personally I don't care for the current regime, and I left the company because I want to like the people I work with. And no shit Sherlock, they didn't single-handedly create the highest market cap of any pure-play pharma.

But they have been in place 6 years, and in key decision making roles several years before that. In just those 6 years they decided, to name a few:
  • Stick with beta amyloid and expand to tau when everyone else was giving up, learn from every failed trial and run another one.
  • Bet on GIP/GLP when the sales people weren't interested because it could prematurely cannibalize their GLP franchise.
  • Rethink diabetes as cardiometabolic and invest in indications like obesity, CKD, and NASH, when the smart money was saying diabetes and CV are a commodity business.
(If you don't know what these things are, then ask yourself who needs the education.)

Much to my surprise, the CEO was also humble enough to embrace the success of his arch-nemesis and build on it, not destroy it - a common mistake many CEOs make when they get the job. I didn't think he would be capable of that.

(If you don't know who I am referring to, then ask yourself who needs the education.)

Back to the topic at hand, wokeness is just noise. Tune it out if it doesn't ignite your passion, don't obsess over it. It hasn't ruined the company. I would never go back to Lilly but as a shareholder, the EC could host a weekly drag queen story hour on the 12th floor and I could care less.

Hey Sherlock:

Glad you not here dealing with WOKE DEI culture Dave bows to. Glad you’re enjoying stock gains even though P/E is pushing up. Glad you weren’t forced to get the poison jab to keep your job.

For me it’s getting close to time to take my pension and go someplace else and double bank.

Hey Sherlock:

Glad you not here dealing with WOKE DEI culture Dave bows to. Glad you’re enjoying stock gains even though P/E is pushing up. Glad you weren’t forced to get the poison jab to keep your job.

For me it’s getting close to time to take my pension and go someplace else and double bank.
I'm on my third company post-Lilly and now live/work somewhere where I have friends at quite a few other pharma/biotech companies. It's the same everywhere, just look across the CP boards. Jab required everywhere. Lots of DEI talk everywhere. There's no avoiding it.

If you are really bothered by it (I'm not) Lilly is actually better than most companies because of its location. My coworkers in Indy didn't discuss DEI at anything other than optional company events because they knew 1/3 loved it, 1/3 were indifferent, and 1/3 secretly hated it. More people were given vax exceptions, too.

Before you double dip know this - you would die at any other pharma/biotech company (nearly all coastal), other than maybe Abbvie which has similar DNA to Lilly (but a dumpster fire right now). You'd be even more of an outlier. If you want to work in any industry that needs a large educated workforce, this is your new normal.

Suck it up, tune it out, and move on. Nobody is holding a gun to your head. And if you continue to obsess over it, people will start to wonder what team you bat for.

I'm on my third company post-Lilly and now live/work somewhere where I have friends at quite a few other pharma/biotech companies. It's the same everywhere, just look across the CP boards. Jab required everywhere. Lots of DEI talk everywhere. There's no avoiding it.

If you are really bothered by it (I'm not) Lilly is actually better than most companies because of its location. My coworkers in Indy didn't discuss DEI at anything other than optional company events because they knew 1/3 loved it, 1/3 were indifferent, and 1/3 secretly hated it. More people were given vax exceptions, too.

Before you double dip know this - you would die at any other pharma/biotech company (nearly all coastal), other than maybe Abbvie which has similar DNA to Lilly (but a dumpster fire right now). You'd be even more of an outlier. If you want to work in any industry that needs a large educated workforce, this is your new normal.

Suck it up, tune it out, and move on. Nobody is holding a gun to your head. And if you continue to obsess over it, people will start to wonder what team you bat for.

WTF, your third job post Lilly! Thank goodness you’re gone leaving War & Peace posts. Do u work?

I don’t blame anyone for taking two incomes if their Pts + Time quality for a lilly pension and you can go get more money in a second career with another company. Your only loyalty should be to yourself, family, and God.

Our society is in decline, the delusional social justice DEI warriors are running things.