Dave Lennon Guaranteed 70mm for Fanapt


Michael "Jared from Subway" Braun was laughing here recently that dave Lennon argued with Finance at the beginning of the year that Fanapt should be budgeted for 70mm.....after much pleading the budget ws lowered to 47mm....The question for Dave ....Will Fanapt hit 47mm? If not then why isnt Dave the Mckenzie know it all on a PIP? Dave you think you have it all figured out....you come to the regions act as if you have it all figured out, and the first job you get in the u.s you cant even produce. You should go back to a job of being a consultant where you simply tell people what they should do, but are never responsible for the results! Come sell in the field for awhile and lets see how smart you are! So please someone in HQ let me know if we are on track to hit 47mm?

Big shot D. Harris, told all of the Neuro Mgrs to "look around the room," "many of you will not be here next year." She also stated that" many of the reps you manage will not be here either!" HOW MOTIVATIONAL! The rest of you Mgrs/Dms better get a clue and be "real" and "transparent" with your reps and let them know what was said at the meeting. This is not to intimidate them but to let them know that we are all to blame (in her eyes) for "their" miscalculation on forecasting and goals. what a joke

heard about that meeting- Hr was in the room and i know many that were insulted and will be calling the alert line on hr and the comments that were made- they went to far.

Big shot D. Harris, told all of the Neuro Mgrs to "look around the room," "many of you will not be here next year." She also stated that" many of the reps you manage will not be here either!" HOW MOTIVATIONAL! The rest of you Mgrs/Dms better get a clue and be "real" and "transparent" with your reps and let them know what was said at the meeting. This is not to intimidate them but to let them know that we are all to blame (in her eyes) for "their" miscalculation on forecasting and goals. what a joke

U talking about Debbie? Sounds like her. A few years ago at a national meeting in Arizona, kicking off the new sales year, she basically told everyone that numbers are everything, the company will do whatever it has to to make its numbers, with or without us, and if we didnt like working in that environment then we should quit on the spot and leave the meeting. Motivation has never been her thing.

No we are not on track to hit 47 mil. Sales are down in Aug and Sept and as we approach Nov and Dec sales will continue to dip with the holiday slow down.

Maybe it's doing shitty because 3/4 of the neuroscience specialty reps were laid off while half of the fanapt sales force were diovan primary care reps who were just realigned into a specialy position when fanapt launched. This company continues to underestimate the value of relationships and tenured reps.

Extavia sold 44MM first year out and it is identical to another drug (betaseron.) Note to self: you gotta sell what u got!! If Extavia makes more money than Fanapt (and it does even with no reps promoting it for a year) YOU ARE SCREWED!! Stop working and look for another job if the idea hadn't already dawned on you!!! Bye Bye!!

Didnt everyone complete the anti-harrassment training on iLearn? I guess big shots dont have to complete this only the field peons...

It clearly states that this type of behavior should be documented, reported and the individual who did the harrassing can be reprimanded and possibly terminated...

Let's see if Novartis puts its money where its mouth is... - I betting on nothing being done!

Debbie made it loud and clear at the meeting she's taking everyone else down if she's going down. She became Oprah of performance management - "look around the room - You get a PIP, You get a PIP and You get a Pip - EVERYBODY gets a PIP"

Debbie made it loud and clear at the meeting she's taking everyone else down if she's going down. She became Oprah of performance management - "look around the room - You get a PIP, You get a PIP and You get a Pip - EVERYBODY gets a PIP"

She pip'd half of neuro a couple years ago...that's why there are barely any tenured reps left in this division. She's ignorant, and a horrible leader. All of the managers hate working for her. She's a disgrace and shouldn't have lasted this long. New leadership is definitely needed.

She pip'd half of neuro a couple years ago...that's why there are barely any tenured reps left in this division. She's ignorant, and a horrible leader. All of the managers hate working for her. She's a disgrace and shouldn't have lasted this long. New leadership is definitely needed.

She is black, that is why she is still here! Why be politically correct? We all know this is true!

now all of the ns asms have to go to nj and prove that they can sell in front of the rds and marketing since it is obviously their bad coaching that has caused the problems for fanapt. again very motivating for all involved. you would think that it would be better to save the money for the flights and have the asms in the field, but i guess this is a way to get rid of some of them.

Maybe it's doing shitty because 3/4 of the neuroscience specialty reps were laid off while half of the fanapt sales force were diovan primary care reps who were just realigned into a specialy position when fanapt launched. This company continues to underestimate the value of relationships and tenured reps.

AMEN! How many months weeks days did it take and is still taking for sone of these people to realize what a relationship, entering a program, a case manager, a iop, or a ddd account is---including their overweight narcissistic leader. And this is their second leader ha

now all of the ns asms have to go to nj and prove that they can sell in front of the rds and marketing since it is obviously their bad coaching that has caused the problems for fanapt. again very motivating for all involved. you would think that it would be better to save the money for the flights and have the asms in the field, but i guess this is a way to get rid of some of them.

Like how good an ASM can give a presentation (fair balanced=little relevent data) has anything to do with selling this product. This is so stupid but typical of the lamest management group I have been associated with in 20 plus years. They have no clue. Oh but this is not about selling but about a format where they are able to gather crap they can use to get rid of people. NS upper management nothing but captains going down with their ships.