awful, awful place. yet, the very foundation of labcorp is built on a workforce that is either too complacent, scared, lazy or talentless to get out. there will always be sheep out there to backfill those that wake up and find the exit. If you are able to get out, you are talented enough. you have people that just stick around forever and ever and take all the receding benefits, commissions,pay etc. then you have inept people that find their snoozy niche get a 'promotion' in title only and feel really good about themselves telling friends and family they are an AVP at labcorp (!) not realizing that it's the same as a 7yo participation trophy. they get good at slipping thru the cracks and wake up one day and realize they are 50 and cannot find a job anywhere else and labcorp is going to eliminate their position soon too. it's hard to escape, very hard. anymore than 2yrs at labcorp and it's like the scarlet letter. recruiters and employers alike know you are complacent, submissive and lazy if you have several years in at labcorp.