Dave’s killer puppet, Moshit!


Dave has fallen to a new sociopathic low! He has brought Moshit from global to clean up all the stupid mistakes he has made! Sadly Moshit is a sad scapegoat that will be left holding the bag for all Dave’s bad decisions! OBU is about to face plant on over indexed goals Dave has promised and the bodies will be floating to cover Dave’s bad decisions. Hopefully Pascal won’t fall for Dave’s deceptive business practices. Sadly Pascal loves Dave and will fall for all his bullshit. Shame on Dave!

Moshit fires Kimberly, fires Kevin, what does northstar 2.0 look like under moshits direction? Will all the teams now be aligned to 18 geos and 138 territories, moshit is coming and we all better bend over for Christmas! Going to be a bumpy ride for the obu!

Moshit fires Kimberly, fires Kevin, what does northstar 2.0 look like under moshits direction? Will all the teams now be aligned to 18 geos and 138 territories, moshit is coming and we all better bend over for Christmas! Going to be a bumpy ride for the obu!

You know who is excited about this? ZS. They will get paid to undo what they got paid to do 2 years ago. No way Mohit sits back and eats the shit sandwich that is Project North Star? He’ll make a name for himself by changing things. It’s what people at that level have to do.

You know who isn’t excited about this? Those whose position was directly related to their willingness to be Kevin’s side piece.

What did Mohit do to deserve to be there?
Implemented a new IC plan to take money out of the sales forces pockets that can now be reallocated to executive bonuses and EV's. Also an opportinuity to hang out with his buddy Dave for a week on the company dime in a 5 star hotel in Rome. Why wouldn't he be there?

Mohit is worthless, all he does is like Dave’s posts on workplace and cut costs. FSIP plans are a joke. Leave while you can it’s only going to get worst. Mohit loves attrition and vacancies because they increase revenues, mohit is a clown, disguised as an accountant. Doesn’t care about employees or patients, just whether Dave is happy. 18 month nightmare , worst than chatrick. Dave will be lucky to ever get pascals job.

Mohit is worthless, all he does is like Dave’s posts on workplace and cut costs. FSIP plans are a joke. Leave while you can it’s only going to get worst. Mohit loves attrition and vacancies because they increase revenues, mohit is a clown, disguised as an accountant. Doesn’t care about employees or patients, just whether Dave is happy. 18 month nightmare , worst than chatrick. Dave will be lucky to ever get pascals job.

As has been stated before it’s hard to believe that Oncology in the US is being led by someone worse than Chatrick. At this point you gotta believe that everything he did and what Mohit is doing now to negatively impact the field sales force is intentional. Why this is happening is anyone’s guess.

Mohit, doesn’t have a clue, who is he going to fire next? To prove he doesnt know shit? Is ES on the chopping block? Calquence Is doomed, Beigene and zanu a runaway train!
ES shipped off to Canada, AH in HR did his job helping moshit sort his leadership coup! Now moshit has most of the positions on the board. Will AG and SG survive or will they be leaving the USA obu? Will say moshit don’t mess around. Don’t know what he is gonna do when the revenue goals are missed. Guess blame it on all the people he moved out? If only moshit knew something about the us oncology marketplace, he would be dangerous instead of just being a punk bitch covering Dave’s ass for the failed revenue goals poor moshit doesn’t see the knife coming in his scapegoat role. Get some popcorn, it’s going to be better than Oppenheimer.

ES shipped off to Canada, AH in HR did his job helping moshit sort his leadership coup! Now moshit has most of the positions on the board. Will AG and SG survive or will they be leaving the USA obu? Will say moshit don’t mess around. Don’t know what he is gonna do when the revenue goals are missed. Guess blame it on all the people he moved out? If only moshit knew something about the us oncology marketplace, he would be dangerous instead of just being a punk bitch covering Dave’s ass for the failed revenue goals poor moshit doesn’t see the knife coming in his scapegoat role. Get some popcorn, it’s going to be better than Oppenheimer.

AH is getting shipped back to England Q4 2023 for “personal” reasons. Moshit strikes again!!!

Original poster sounds pretty sensationalist, if they have worked at any other pharma company, leadership changes are pretty typical once the senior leader changes. Not atypical if you have been in the industry for a while. Maybe it’s time to actually make some calls on physicians vs trolling cafe pharma and complaining about leadership. Sounds like you’re overpaid whatever your role is in the organization.

Original poster sounds pretty sensationalist, if they have worked at any other pharma company, leadership changes are pretty typical once the senior leader changes. Not atypical if you have been in the industry for a while. Maybe it’s time to actually make some calls on physicians vs trolling cafe pharma and complaining about leadership. Sounds like you’re overpaid whatever your role is in the organization.
Ahhh, the voice of leadership, sure Dave has every right to change up leadership, who cares about the rank and file, moshit certainly needs to reorganize to shore up his vision moving forward. Problem is this is happening every 18 months and looks like a cover for leadership weakness. To your point we make a load of money so who cares, unfortunately we could do a lot better, but we are making sooo much money who cares. It’s just moshit is an idiot and Dave is an idiot, but you’re right nothing matters! Cheers fuck it all!

Original poster sounds pretty sensationalist, if they have worked at any other pharma company, leadership changes are pretty typical once the senior leader changes. Not atypical if you have been in the industry for a while. Maybe it’s time to actually make some calls on physicians vs trolling cafe pharma and complaining about leadership. Sounds like you’re overpaid whatever your role is in the organization.

Of course moshit, we are all overpaid at az. We all need to understand our place. We don’t have a speak up culture here. Know it’s not allowed. Sorry for voicing an opinion. Keep up the good work fucking everyone over, on leaderships behalf. Good luck when karma kicks in. Sure you deserve all the consequences.