Data reporting


What a complete bunch of bullshit!! We receive an email today that the 3/15 weekly data is the last we will see before transitioning to a new and probably more bullshit vendor??? How convenient you dickheads!!! Right at the sweet spot of a launch; right at the end of a quarter; right at the end of a fiscal year. A BIG MIDDLE FINGER TO ALL OF THE IN HOUSE PEOPLE WHO ARE PART OF THIS!! YOU ALL KNOW THAT THIS SHIT STINKS!!!!!!!!

Oh good. Now I wont have to wonder why my launch report data doesn't match my iAlert data, which doesn't match the number of scripts reported in the iTarget data, which doesn't match the iConnect data, which doesn't match the number of vouchers that were redeemed in the voucher redemption report. Not that the voucher thing matters anymore, but as of 3/15 we were still supposed to be getting sales credit for them. Astellas just picks the lowest number to pay us on anyway.

Oh good. Now I wont have to wonder why my launch report data doesn't match my iAlert data, which doesn't match the number of scripts reported in the iTarget data, which doesn't match the iConnect data, which doesn't match the number of vouchers that were redeemed in the voucher redemption report. Not that the voucher thing matters anymore, but as of 3/15 we were still supposed to be getting sales credit for them. Astellas just picks the lowest number to pay us on anyway.

A perfect summation of the joke that is APUS IC. MM are you listening? We all know you are full of shit.

And now an IMS issue with some Q4 RX counted "doulbe" in our previous data!!!! ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME???????????? How many teams won't make the Kicker because of this little tweak/adjustment while the morons in marketing and senior leadership still get their stack of money. If that's the case take your money and go get a qualitly jacket and haircut so you all don't look like HOWDY FUCKING DOODY in a cheap suit from the under $99 store.It might help you all in Vegas to get more than 8 people to clap for your awful presentations!